Computer/Virus problem.


Jul 13, 2005
The last few days i almost haven't been able to work on my computer at all.
CPU maxing out before with even a few plug ins, and starting is slower then it used to be, also with windows mediaplayer and such.

I couldn't find virus scanner/sweeper that could find anything on my computer, so if anyone has any good ones to advice, please do..

But next to that i was thinking:

I got 1 harddrive for my applications and one for my audio files.
What if i disconnect my audio file harddrive and buy a new harddrive were i install applications and windows on.

This way i should be able to start of clean right?

Or is this a stupid idea?

Anyway.. i want to get it fixt before i set my foot in the damn thing..

Any advice except for "buy a mac" is more then welcome!
Try reinstalling Windows first. It should help, thought it's a bit drastic measure. However, if you've got your HDD partitions laid well, it should be a quick operation with very little backing up needed.
Looks like CPU overheating. There are many softwares that can monitor the CPU temperature. If the problem is really CPU overheating, try cleaning your CPU dye and cooler with isopropillic alcohol and put some new termic compound (I like Arctic Silver).
Why not just reformat and reinstall the OS on the sytem drive you have?

I do this about every 3 months on my internet computer, or when I notice strange behaviour.

If you want to buy another drive, use it to keep all your software and drivers on. That way, getting back up and running after a fresh OS install takes no time at all.
Any advice except for "buy a mac" is more then welcome!
i see, so you're up for any suggestion except for the one which will actually solve your problem permanently..... :lol: , ;)

a buddy of mine (and Ken's) that works at Ante Up Studios in Ohio (where Chimaira tracked the drums for their latest) just had this same problem... he's making the switch though.

i admire your resolve to stick doggedly to the PC platform.... i don't envy it though. my oldest Mac is 11 years old at this point and with 9 yr old hard drives, and still runs fine... online for years and not one virus, trojan, worm, or spyware, and like all my Macs it's never had a firewall or Virus software on it. it's very underpowered compared to the one i'm working on now... but it's still running good.

but yeah, being able to change any hardware you want and the *pleasure of using Windows* is worth it for you i suppose..... even though you can do both with Macs.... oh, and all that money you save, what with the downtime and replacing drives and such.... yeah. :saint:

I haeven't reinstalled my computer more than three years now.. If you don't install too much software and take care where you go internetwise it's not too much of a problem. nevertheless it's about time to do it once again for me, haha! :D

just to make sure it's really no virus problem i'd recommend this (free) virus scanner:
i see, so you're up for any suggestion except for the one which will actually solve your problem permanently..... :lol:

a buddy of mine (and Ken's) that works at Ante Up Studios in Ohio (where Chimaira tracked the drums for their latest) just had this same problem... he's making the switch though.

i admire your resolve to stick doggedly to the PC platform.... i don't envy it though. my oldest Mac is 11 years old at this point and with 9 yr old hard drives, and still runs fine... online for years and not one virus, trojan, worm, or spyware... it's very underpowered compared to the one i'm working on now... but it's still running good.

but yeah, being able to change any hardware you want and the *pleasure of using Windows* is worth it for you i suppose..... even though you can do both with Macs.... oh, and all that money you save, what with the downtime and replacing drives and such.... yeah. :saint:


Bwahahaha. :evilgrin:
my oldest Mac is 11 years old at this point and with 9 yr old hard drives, and still runs fine... online for years and not one virus, trojan, worm, or spyware, and like all my Macs it's never had a firewall or Virus software on it.
My oldest PC is 7 years old and there's no sign it isn't going to make it up to 9 years or more. And yeah, of course it's slow but it works.

As for the viruses and stuff: I'm pretty sure it won't take long anymore until these come up on Macs as well! With more people switching to Macs (I can see a strong tendency at my college e.g.) it'll also become more intereseting for Virus-Programmers!

Anyway, that's not helping the Thread-Starter so I guess it's better to stop this and btw I'm not hardcore pro-PC - just wanna be fair.
As for the viruses and stuff: I'm pretty sure it won't take long anymore until these come up on Macs as well! With more people switching to Macs (I can see a strong tendency at my college e.g.) it'll also become more intereseting for Virus-Programmers!
yeah, been hearing about this myself i must admit..... for about 6 years or more :lol:. i quit worrying about it after year 3.

but aaaaaanyway, as a former fulltime PC user and a current part time PC user (getting less and less all the time), i have always dealt with that issue by banning casual surfers from using my PC and being very careful what i click on and what sites i visit, in addition to Norton and Macafee..... when those precautions eventually fail, and they always do, i simply reformat the drive and do a fresh install of windows.
I'd also like it if I was wrong about the Mac-Virus-theory.... I'm really curios if I'm right or wrong in the long run (let's say 5 years from now).

Both (Norton and McAfee) basically only take up yer RAM. I only have AVG as an external "Safety-App" and the Windows Firewall and have 0 (Zero) problems with viruses and stuff like that (As said above: Didn't need to reinstall for 3+ years).
I'm not questioning the fact that macs are great and all but would you please take notice of the european prices of macs?

Apple Mac mini (cheapest mac I could find)
1.83GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
1GB memory
80GB hard drive
590 euro

For that kind of money you could buy a very decent mainboard, with a 1000GB hard drive, 2 gb of ddr2 800mhz ram, a core 2 duo E6850 3.0ghz, a monster cooler and overclock the whole thing.
i see, so you're up for any suggestion except for the one which will actually solve your problem permanently..... :lol: , ;)

a buddy of mine (and Ken's) that works at Ante Up Studios in Ohio (where Chimaira tracked the drums for their latest) just had this same problem... he's making the switch though.

i admire your resolve to stick doggedly to the PC platform.... i don't envy it though. my oldest Mac is 11 years old at this point and with 9 yr old hard drives, and still runs fine... online for years and not one virus, trojan, worm, or spyware, and like all my Macs it's never had a firewall or Virus software on it. it's very underpowered compared to the one i'm working on now... but it's still running good.

but yeah, being able to change any hardware you want and the *pleasure of using Windows* is worth it for you i suppose..... even though you can do both with Macs.... oh, and all that money you save, what with the downtime and replacing drives and such.... yeah. :saint:


I'm switching to mac anyday soon, but they aren't cheap and i don't have the money right now so any comments on that is should buy a mac wouldn't realy help right know you know? ;)
argh if I read this thread earlier I should have have told ya how to look for strange programs in the windows registry, instead of a format, a format is better but not always is necessary!
Next time hit: start-> run -> regedit, go to hkey_local_machine->software->microsoft->windows->currentVersion->Run
here you can check strange exe's that run at startup, rename strange key entries and do a restart and see what happens.
My advice is to not delete registry keys if you're not an expert, it's better to rename the entries.
Most of the times you can fix problems at the touch of a button!
'More stable than XP' is roughly equivalent to 'More pleasant than having rough sex with a food processor'... since the day it came out I've gotten - and completely ignored, because I don't like pain enough yet - more calls about Vista crashes and compatibility problems than I could count. Keep backups.
