Computer/Virus problem.

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Defenitly try that CPU test program first man.. i find it hard to believe that you would just catch a virus like that, unless you have been checking for mature asian midgets vometing on ghetto hermafrodites with mustaches porn again? i tell you, IT DOES NOT EXIST!

Drastic stuff like re-installing XP is not needed yet.. you could always let it check for errors later, but this looks like a hardware fault to me, did you check what keeps your CPU high during processing? (Ctrl+Alt+Delete)
...unless you have been checking for mature asian midgets vometing on ghetto hermafrodites with mustaches porn again? i tell you, IT DOES NOT EXIST!

Nonsense. Rule 34, Bob, Rule 34...

Watch your meters... and I'm assuming you've tried AVG and Spybot... open up the startup menu in msconfig (start -> run -> msconfig -> startup tab) and uncheck shit like mad... or even better post a screenshot (or three, if the menu is long) and we'll start looking at things that could be hogging resources. Honestly, if an updated AVG doesn't find it, it isn't fucking there.

are there other /b/rothers on this board?

as a life-long PC user, i highly suggest getting Spybot: Search & Destroy and sweeping your system with it. the one thing that PCs can suffer from, aside from viruses, is nasty spyware. and that shit WILL slow your system down to all hell!
I'm having PC troubles now, too. It's so goddamned frustrating...completely saps me of my will to write and even to play.

you know what you must do my son.... embrace it.

Spyware Scan
Virus Scan
delete unnescessary programs
Clean your hard drives
Defragment your hard drives

then check it out. This is what I always do when my pc starts bogging down.
A faulty hard drive can lead to this kind of problem. Just saying.
I made this painful experience twice with maxtor hd's.
AVG is shit. I found a bangload of virusses after scanning it with Nod32. That's the shit right there, little CPU usage (when idle) but works great. Maybe a little TOO good? Some items that arent virusses (I know for fact in those cases) get locked out.... ok lets just say it, some cracks are blocked. :cry: I paid for the nod32 though! Well worth it! :rock:

Keep a list of the hardware you're using before doing a reinstall. As a longtime pc user like me you probably have a pile of hardware driver cd's as well, now try to figure out your configurations in order and install the right shit.

Try the keep the amount of installed programs to a minimum as well. General rule: if you havent used it for a month its not worth the space. That doesnt go for porn though, you gotta stash that shit! :cool::lol:
My DAW doesn't touch the internet, email, none of that shit. I don't even have a network card in it. Am I the only one doing this?
One, I don't have to deal with viruses, spyware and all that shit.
Two, I don't have the "fuck this drum editing, I'd rather look a titties" option