Computers suck!!!


Jan 14, 2003
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Mine went down on New Years Eve.......Windows was FUBAR (no change there then!!!) so I set about the wonderful task of reinstalling.......of course, I couldn't install until I'd repaired the corrupt files which I couldn't do until I'd reinstalled which I couldn't do until I'd repaired.................

Anyway, got a different error message each time I tried to reinstall (CMOS, BIOS, Memory Manager etc) before it finally went tits up in a loud wail of knackered hard drive (luckily I run two in my pc!) However, I couldn't boot off the other drive, couldn't enter BIOS at startup and 90% of the time couldn't even get a picture on the the IT bods were called out, came today and after an hour+ diagnosis, ordered me replacement memory, processor and motherboard (on top of the hard drive he replaced today!!!!) to be fitted on Wednesday

Ah well, at least it's not totally knackered then........
Yeah, I know how annoying that can be!!

I had a similar problem only a while ago but it was down to the fact that my PC was not happy getting the one virus....oh no!! My PC had to get two of the bloody things just to piss me off completely.

I had to completely wipe the hard drive and even then they were still there so I got a mate to bring some patches he'd downloaded to wipe them off and now I have a new virus checker too. Now let the buggers try to penetrate!!! :D

Yes, it was bad. I lost all my downloads, a truckload of mp3s etc....

It seems to be running nicely now.....but for how long?!?!? :erk:
MentaLee said:
so the IT bods were called out, came today and after an hour+ diagnosis, ordered me replacement memory, processor and motherboard (on top of the hard drive he replaced today!!!!) to be fitted on Wednesday
The chances of all of them going simultaneously are slim, approaching zero. Your IT bods are probably just covering their asses by replacing them all just in case. Been there, done that :)
You know what really sucks though.........they replace like for like!!!! My PC is 4 years old, yet they can still provide like for like replacements....funny thing is it's probably cheaper to kit me up with something a tad more up to date!!

Worse still though is that my new bits and pieces will probably be refurbished ones.
Oh and comedy diagnosis of the day was when IT bod ran a memory test and after it reported 400000+ errors he stopped it, announces he's found the problem, takes one RAM component out and tests it in each slot, then does the same with the other and finds they are both working fine!!