

Active Member
Jan 15, 2008
The Ivory Tower
Holy shit, I just discovered these guys after being recommended them by several people. They're grounded in 70s prog rock with folk influences, but don't start thinking Jethro Tull prog/folk. These guys are all acoustic, and completely insane (it sounds like). The music has a very pastoral sense, and the thematic elements of the record concern things like rape and sexual deviancy, but within the context of ancient mythology (particularly the Comus myth-hence the name-about the attempted seduction and defilement of a young girl). Some of the musical passages are very haunting, and the folk elements create a rustic atmosphere that suggests sexual bawdiness (rustic settings were almost always synonymous with sexuality in pre-modern times).

All in all, I'm really enjoying what I'm hearing. I only have their first record, called First Utterance, but I'm told this is all that's really necessary. Anyone else dig these guys?
Just checked them out on youtube, just a few songs. I think they are too off the hook for me. Do you have a song rec. I can try to find.
I think any song off their first record would suffice. It's pretty consistent. If those sound too outrageous, you probably wouldn't dig them.

I've been told that their second album is more mainstream sounding, but I haven't heard anything from it yet.
First Utterance is flawless, so it's a shame that the second album isn't nearly as good. I'd love to see them live. "Drip Drip" is ridiculously epic.
Yes, "Drip Drip" may be my favorite track on the record. I love the melodies they write; you can hear the folk influence, but they're equally creepy at the same time. You can also hear bits of Genesis slip through at times, which I love. And the lyrics to "Drip Drip" are awesome. Åkerfeldt did well to choose an album title from those lyrics.
The Comus song on the mix Omni gave me was one of the best songs on that CD.

I was also pretty intrigued by Tom Waits.
I was pretty lazy when I made that compilation, or it would have been much longer. A lot of the stuff that I wanted to include isn't on my computer, so it was a huge chore for me to get all of it together. However, I'll definitely send you a PM at some point with a list of other weird music to check out, since you'd probably be better off with entire albums anyway.

Actually, I'll do it a lot sooner if you PM me when you read this, so please do.