Concept Album (no its not the same as the other one going on)

Sullen Jester

Corporate Executive
Sep 12, 2001
Beneath The World
Due to very good response from two very good friends of mine, who I hold great respect for their music, I have decided to post up the "layout" for a concept album I am working on, and I hope to see some form of response from you. Currently, the lyrics and/or tabs won't be posted, as I would prefer to get everything sorted out before I do that. anyway, here's the overview:

Concept Album
01 - Propagate
02 - Birth
03 - Abuse
04 - Multiply
05 - Technology
06 - Trend
07 - [X]
08 - Recover
09 - Enlighten
10 - Quiet
11 - The Gate
01 - Propagate

Instrumental; a couple making love thus propagating.

02 - Birth

The birth of the character, the pain of birth.

03 - Abuse

Child abuse, the victim being our character.

04 - Multiply

The traumatic experience as an infant brings on the symptoms of schizophrenia, split personalities, paranoia, but is not wholly recognizable.

05 - Technology

The acceptance of technology as an advancement in the human race, but also the object capable of ending it.

06 - Trend

Our character being charaterized as a "trendie", wearing 'popular' clothes and listening to 'popular' music, and eventually takes drugs.

07 - [x]

The character nears the end of his drug career, and turns away from his inner demons, realising the search of his X-Factor is his negative personality.

08 - Recover

Instrumental; The steps of recovering from his drug laden life and seeks to improve the quality of life.

09 - Enlighten

The character learns of the truths of his world, and becomes an avid athiest/anarchist.

10 - Quiet

The character lives in isolation for the majority of his natural life, the outcome of misanthropy.

11 - The Gate

Instrumental; Passing through the gates from life to death.

I know this isn't really saying much, but I would be interested in your thoughts, so I may correct it to a (NO I am NOT selling out hehehe) good way.. Really, what I am trying to accomplish here (apart from telling a story) is melding together many influences.. both mine and yours, if you decide to include your thoughts..
sounds awesome, i can't really think of a thing to change, well...given such little information. you should tell us maybe how the music sounds and post some lyrics. but from what you've showed us it sounds like it'll kick ass.
sounds awesome, i can't really think of a thing to change, well...given such little information. you should tell us maybe how the music sounds and post some lyrics. but from what you've showed us it sounds like it'll kick ass.

Well, Quiet is a song based on a song called Quiet, which Kushantaiidan authored in the program Impulse Tracker.. with his permission, I shall upload it to the Hammering Moss site.. but you shall need an up to date version of Winamp to play it.. I think..

The Gate is one I've been working on for a while, sounding more doom 'n' gloomy orientated.. but it's no longer an instrumental as I previously posted:

"Pain... Pleasure... Eternity...

Pain of birth..

Pleasure of life..

Eternity of death.."

Multiply is more of a hypnotic/psychotic song, starting on a cool groove then busting into the most insane riffs I've written, it floored my esteemed colleague Clyde, Lord of Known Metal Music, and he was impressed. I think. Theres a lot of twists and turns in this song, and full of effects.. At the moment, it reaches 8:58 but I'm not sure about some parts in it..

[X] is probably the track I will put the most effort on, as the name comes from the band name (Syndrome [X] - yes that metabolic disorder for those of you who know it) and currently, it comes out like a cross between Slipknot - Spit it Out, Stabbing Westward - Drugstore.. and a few others I cannot be bothered to think of..

I will post some lyrics I have written soon, and thankyou for your response.
I did something close to a concept album once, a series of poems designed to be a modernized and more personal update of Dante's Inferno.

The Black Dustcloud:

I: the jester's lair
II: the swarming demons
III: a place without a king
IV: watching the black
V: hellraiser's edge
VI: the shadow dwellers
VII: a cross of silver
VIII: the hidden hands of fate
Originally posted by Oyo
Sounds interesting. You're in hammering moss, right Jester? Are you all going to actually record this? I'd be very interested to hear it :grin:

No, unfortunately, I am not. I just heavily support them.
I also happen to live in a different state, not being able to bask in their collective intellectual superiority.

Nice signature by the way :)
it sounds like it'll be good...i like how you're doing a modern day's not something you see everyday

i don't think you should go through the album chronologically...mix it up a bit, maybe the opening should be the ending of the story and then your work your way through that point, get what i mean?
Interesting.. I cannot say that I had thought of that, but it.. has an appeal on me..

A few parts in the songs may have quotes that come from other songs.. just for.. confusement :lol:
Alright, here's the first in the series:

The Jester's Lair

In the middle of my journey through life
My senses reawakened in an uninhabited forest

I felt some uneasy vibration from behind
Some merciless repetition in my mind
The three-pronged spear of temptation
Leaping outward like some satyrical joy
Clawing at the will of preservation
I know the nature of this bestial passion ploy

At the close of the day I alone know their suffering
The ones who live siphoning the spoils
They just walk amongst the thorn-laden ground
Never knwoing the barren grief of their toils

As the moon follows, I see the jester of souls
He's been waiting for my descent between the poles
I measure the stark textures of the shroud
And find myself besieged within the black dustcloud

Messengers in absentia guard the waiting room
Here they are all processed in the congruent gloom
Intact except for their failures in tact
Here lies the unfaithful actors who got caught in the act
I like the concept. Is it focused more on the individual, or the environment surrounding the individual? Is it a 1st person concept, or a 3rd person concept?

To me - the viewpoint would change the feel of the music.