Concept behind Nightingale albums


Child of The Grave
Aug 26, 2003
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Well, I think that their albums feel like concepts, if so what are they about??? I have always been a fan of Dan's Moontower, I think it's brilliant, but am only now getting into the mellower Nightingale, and just needed to know what these are about, so uf some of you could explain what each album is about, I would be very greatful. Thanks.
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
Well, I think that their albums feel like concepts, if so what are they about??? I have always been a fan of Dan's Moontower, I think it's brilliant, but am only now getting into the mellower Nightingale, and just needed to know what these are about, so uf some of you could explain what each album is about, I would be very greatful. Thanks.
hello :)

you´ll find several threads in this forum about that, just go backwards; we have discussed this a couple of times. But more important, go to, check the interviews (in link section), especially the ones of LotFP (Lamentations of the flame princess), there Dan explained it pretty much; I think it was no. 3 and 4.
Aswell you can check Dan´s profile here in this forum and read from there his older answers, because he often said something about that.

You see, the concept is very extensive, and I don´t want to repeat it all ;) But maybe also Dan answers here. You´ll find the solution :wave: