... looking over the bands that have been reviewed for this issue, I think it's going to be some fun. Some of the fun of the early days was hearing from people who discovered favorite new bands because of LotFP... stuff like Agalloch and Opeth. Can you imagine a now-major label band like Opeth having people introduced to them by some unproofread newsprint rag? That's the stuff that goes beyond the inspiration and makes doing this fun[/a]. Every so often someone finds the website or finds me on Myspace and tells me they used to read it when they got it locally (when you give away 10,000 free copies like I did years ago, you need to find a lot of local outlets willing to take some off your hands, hehe) and I get a list of bands people got into because they read about them in LotFP.
My personal highlights from the past couple of issues have to do with that. People buying that Scald album based on my review, and telling me about it. Getting a good response about The Gates of Slumber from people who had never heard of the band and checked them out based on what LotFP said about them.
Again, it has nothing to do with why I feel compelled to do LotFP in the first place, but it's what makes the entire thing fun.
And this next issue is going to be jam-packed with reviews of bands that are going to be new to everyone reading. An entire issue filled with absolutely nothing but opportunities for people to discover new things. I don't know where Dave and Andreas found some of the bands they wrote about, and I'm sure they're wondering where I had to dig to find some of the stuff I wrote about. Even the most dedicated pays-for-fanzines metal fan will be wondering where they've been all their lives that a printed mag had to inform them of the existence of some of these bands.
Add in the agitation of my from-the-gut intro and Dave's more disciplined companion intro, and I'm very excited about this one.
... now if I can manage to not fuck up the last two pages of reviews I still have to write before putting this thing to bed.
My personal highlights from the past couple of issues have to do with that. People buying that Scald album based on my review, and telling me about it. Getting a good response about The Gates of Slumber from people who had never heard of the band and checked them out based on what LotFP said about them.
Again, it has nothing to do with why I feel compelled to do LotFP in the first place, but it's what makes the entire thing fun.
And this next issue is going to be jam-packed with reviews of bands that are going to be new to everyone reading. An entire issue filled with absolutely nothing but opportunities for people to discover new things. I don't know where Dave and Andreas found some of the bands they wrote about, and I'm sure they're wondering where I had to dig to find some of the stuff I wrote about. Even the most dedicated pays-for-fanzines metal fan will be wondering where they've been all their lives that a printed mag had to inform them of the existence of some of these bands.
Add in the agitation of my from-the-gut intro and Dave's more disciplined companion intro, and I'm very excited about this one.
... now if I can manage to not fuck up the last two pages of reviews I still have to write before putting this thing to bed.