Concert Reviews


Metal Grandma
Mar 12, 2003
New Jersey
Been to a good show lately? Tell us about it! Here's the place to post your concert reviews.

Dave and I saw Rob Rock on the Vice Reunion tour this weekend. It was a great time with lots of great music. Especially nice to hang out with Evil and Drummerman. The venue was a bar/restaurant with a bancquet hall attached. Looked like an odd place for a metal show, but it worked out really well.
There were aprox. 350 people there, I'm guessing. A real mix of metal fans and friends and relatives. Not your average metal show for sure.
Rob and the Vice guys did an awesome job of mixing the old Vice classics with Rob's other work. A real treat for sure. We'll have a bunch of photos up on the website soon.

Now, who else has seen a great (or shitty :heh: ) show lately? Tell all.
I know C. just saw Strato and I'm dying to hear how she enjoyed the show.