
Originally posted by Kalmakoff
Next week, hopefully Terveet Kädet here.

I suppose it's a local finnish band!? Doesn't "terve" translates to "health" or "healthy" or smth? No idea what to do with the -et at the end though :rolleyes:
Is it the first band ever to come out of Finland that promotes a healthy, alcohol-free life-style? :grin: :p If so, what are you doing at their gig??

Seriously, what does the band name mean?
The band name translates as "Healthy Hands". Actually I think they're somewhat known also outside Finland and they released their first EP in 1980 so they're definitely not newcomers. :)

Alcohol-free? No way! :lol:

To be honest, I don't even like their music, but there's not much to do here in crappy Tornio...except drink (a lot) :p

You can check them at
hehe...just checked their website and the site on It says there that their discography is HUGE and that they're Max Cavalera's favourite act!? Wtf.......I don't think I've heard of them before. Anyway.. metalish hardcore punk isn't my cup of tea either.
Originally posted by Aida_Melodica
I'm heading to San Francisco in December to see BG, Symphony X, Vicious Rumours, and I forget the other band who's opening. this will be only my 2nd metal show ever, but it will RULE!

I am going to try to go to that show also:grin: you live in northern california?
I've been to Dark Tranquillity yesterday! :rock:
Since I'm abviously too present on too many boards on UM I guess you guys in here have already read my brief remarks elsewhere...? :grin:
Anyone insist on having it posted here as well!? :p :grin:
Originally posted by Silkie
@ Gauny: feel free to post it here as well :)

ok ppl....there you have it :grin:

First band was Griffin, don't know what to think about them (Marlies didn't know either :lol: ) and next was Sinergy. They were ok. Kimberly always talked about "my record" as if the band had nothing to do with it......and for the song "Lead us to war" she let 3 guys from the audience do the backing vocals. hehe....that was funny.

I've seen Dark Tranquillity before but I could not remember much of their show until Mikael entered the stage. After the first few seconds I started to remember their performance I had seen before :rock: He's very charismatic on stage, with a lot of gestures and facial expressions coming along with the songs. I like that :) I think it also helped he had a couple of beers during the whole show so his acting became more dramatic as the time moved on :grin:
They played a nice collection of old and new songs, all in all: great band, great gig! :rock:
Well.. The mighty Maiden is here in june..and I will surtenly try to be there. But I`ll having a baby in I just have to see how it works out.
Last time I saw them I was too little to get the opening with me ;) Coulden`s see over those tall guys in front of me.
And Paradise lost is playing in february.. what some goodies to come ;)