Condenser opinions

Fuck that. Natural Born Chaos - great production, amazing songs, nothing 'watered-down' about it. Maybe you could say that about FNF or STD... but that's about it.

:lol: Dude NBC is trash. The first track is the only thing on the album worth listening to, the rest of it is boring, dumbed down crap. Production is great though, but Soilwork died after The Chainheart Machine. Predator's Portrait has it's moments, but everything since TCM has been worse and worse. They've been a heavy pop band since NBC.
major props for the SP b1, very good mic; very open and clear, and extremely defined, you can hear practicly everything.. not very well suited for heavy distorted guitars; more for a pop/rock thing I guess.. very good on vocals as well, haven't used anything else ever.
:lol: Dude NBC is trash. The first track is the only thing on the album worth listening to, the rest of it is boring, dumbed down crap. Production is great though, but Soilwork died after The Chainheart Machine. Predator's Portrait has it's moments, but everything since TCM has been worse and worse. They've been a heavy pop band since NBC.

Black Star Deceiver: epic is from here on defined as Speed and Devin Townsend screaming at each other for a whole song.

Seriously... it's one thing to say that they've changed, which they have, or that they're no longer playing Swedish death, which they aren't, or that you don't like it, as you don't have to. Calling something trash, though, just because it isn't the same as before, and calling it 'watered down', because it isn't the same record over and over again, is just stupid. Congratulations, you've passed off your opinion as absolute fact solely for the purpose of keeping the off-topic portion of an ancient thread alive! Wow, fucking cool, I wish I could be that petty and obnoxious...
