confirm that theres no "print" feature in cubase 5


Gabriel R.
Nov 25, 2010
Orange County, CA
I just want to confirm that there is no "printing" of inserts in cubase correct?

i.e. DI mono track with TSE808> Nick Crow 6505> Lecab as inserts.

My only option is to export track correct?

ive tried that Audio> Bounce selection. But that did nothing.

So File> Export> Wav. Is my best option correct?

Its just i hate when i have SD 2.0 running, 2 tracks w plugins and my cpu overloads. I cant event playback without my computer stuttering and popping all over the place.
you can freeze the track(s)!
this basically exports it as audio and replaces the actual track.
the used plugins will be diabled=no CPU waste.

the awesome thing about this is, if you find that the settings were not optimal just unfreeze,
tweak and freeze again. freezing takes some time, depends on the machine but it's much more effective than
exporting the file as you do not have to deal with naming, exporting and importing the files again.

Audio>Bounce Selection is Cubase's consolidating function. Like if you have edited guitar tracks, highlight them all and do that command, it will make them one WAV/event instead of a bunch of chopped up pieces.

Also, if there are things on the guitar tone chain, for example, that you never change, you can render the file with that effect. Right-click on the event, go to Plug-Ins and will render it with that effect on it with the settings you always use and that is one less plug you have to be running. For example, I don't ever change the settings on the TubeScreamer I put before LeCto/PODfarm/etc., so I would always do that to my tracks when my old computer was getting older (i.e. couldn't handle the load like it use to haha).
Heres what I do

1. create a mono bus
2. Set the output bus of the track you want printed to the new mono bus (make sure that tracks not muted)
3. create new track
4. Select the input of the new track as the mono bus
5. enable record on new track
6. Hit record and let it play through

I hope I didn't skip a step like reamping..but a lote time for many tracks becuase you have to do in real time!

I also digg the freeze function, but what if I want to freeze this: 8x mono Vox tracks routing to a group track and processed its not possible.
WHYYY?!?!? I totally hate it, any opinions?
I just want to confirm that there is no "printing" of inserts in cubase correct?

i.e. DI mono track with TSE808> Nick Crow 6505> Lecab as inserts.

My only option is to export track correct?

ive tried that Audio> Bounce selection. But that did nothing.

So File> Export> Wav. Is my best option correct?

Its just i hate when i have SD 2.0 running, 2 tracks w plugins and my cpu overloads. I cant event playback without my computer stuttering and popping all over the place.

Wow that is pretty bad. What CPU do you have? Have you looked at your buffer size and raised it?

Even my old single core AMD with like 1G of RAM could handle more than that.

You can probably get to around 256 samples before you can really tell any latency in playing with plugins live. Or cut a few corners (ie. stock cab sim) for tracking. Then switch to the big guns with long IR's and plugins in HQ mode with high buffers for mixing and mixdown.
Its just i hate when i have SD 2.0 running, 2 tracks w plugins and my cpu overloads. I cant event playback without my computer stuttering and popping all over the place.

Man the best thing you can do is upgrade your computer.
I had pretty much the same problem with my old compy (one i use for internet now and general trashing).

I ordered a pretty nice mid range computer for around 1.2k including postage and build.
What I can remember off hand specs wise was an intel 2600 i-5 @3.4gb, i think 4 core 8 thread, 2x4gb RAM @ 1600mhz and I think a pretty standard GA mobo. I think the 23' LED monitor was like 200, keyboard and mouse combo $80, and case + psu was like $80ish, so i got it pretty cheap and i think it will do all that i can forsee me needing it for atm.

I havent hit 100% cpu usage yet, and have been running 4x stereo bus tracks of amp &cab sims. I've yet to use extensive reverbs though.

In short, upgrade from a shit system to a half decent one, you won't regret it :D