Confirmed: Deep Purple in Oz in April

I'd go with the latter. It's starting to really fucking shit me. Every time a band comes out now and plays anywhere bigger than the Palace, it cost $70 or more. A couple of years ago I would have gone to everything, but now I have to be choosy. It's fucked.
The band has NOTHING to do with the ticket prices. I know this from the horses mouth. It is the promoters way of assuring that he does not go bankrupt. When DP toured in 2001, it was a failure. Tix were $80 and they were playing to half filled ENT CENTs. DP are a big band. They would sell out the Lyric Theater no worries at $80, but the promoter will not make a profit with only 2000 ticket sales at that price. The other option is to do multiple nights, but that is not guarenteed to be a success.... Hence the $150 ticket price.
looks like i'm not going now!i wasn''t expect the price to double from the last tour.anyway,i have seen them 4 times on the last two tours(plus 1984 tour) including at Selina's with about 1500 people which was amazing

by the way
Ticketek Internet pre-sales from Midday Friday 12th March(for Sydney anyway-not sure about other states)
Looks like i am going now.Got a cheap ticket for the 3rd concert in Sydney.looking at the map it is on the top balcony level but in the front row.I guess the floor and 1st balcony must have been the expensive seats.