Confused! Too hard to pic a favourite album


Oct 29, 2003
Bondi Australia
The more I listen to Borknagar, the harder it gets to pick my favourite album.

I must say though, that I find I prefer everything from "The Archaic Course" through to Epic.

No disrespect to Garm or Øystein, but I find "The Archaic Course" onwards to be more representative of what Borknagar is really about. The first two LPs to me are the times when Borknagar were getting comfy and finding out who they were.

I first got into Borknagar through Epic... then I went back to "The Archaic Course" and went through each album in turn. When I got to Empiricism, I halted: I found that it didn't hit me so much, but lately I have been thrashing it, and finding all these amazing moments in the album.

Now I'm starting to realise one thing about Borknagar that not many bands can boast: their material, regardless of how their style has developed, continues to be extremely unique and solid as a brick wall. I can't rate a favourite album (one of the very few bands I feel like this about).

The musicianship is just amazing. Mr Brun - you are a genius I must say. I don't know where you've acquired your musical vision, but's a damn good vision.

It's also great to have a band around who make intelligent music: the lyrical content is great and takes the mind on a journey into sciences and beyond.

I've bought 4 out of 6 albums now, and acquiring the first two soon.

Keep it up Øystein & co - you've done a fantastic job over the years!
Øjeblikket said:
the olden domain rocks.

the music and the alchemically influenced artwork/photography -- fire, water, earth, wind (did i get it?)

Next two are also very good, but if i've to name best album, my vote will go for The Olden Domain too
My favourite period was the ICS Vortex period, but now I'm finding that's balancing more with the current period of Borknagar.

As far as the Garm period goes, I need to hammer it out more.

I find that going back into the Garm period, you hear elements (especially keyboards-wise) about how things are going to grow. In my opinion, I find the "vision" really starts to clear more when we hit Quintessence, and then really gets a shine on the polish in Empiricism.
He Who Dwellest in the Night said:
The Olden Domain rules all! Borknagar doesn't have a bad album, though, and I can understand how someone would prefer the newer stuff.

Olden Doman is my favorite.

I think folks who get into Borknagar later in their catalog first will most likely prefer those albums. It is like me and Opeth. I love their first two albums, and that can't stand the rest, whereas most of my friends loathe those two and prefer the later.
For me it's a toss up between the Archaic Course and Empiricism.

I'd probably pick Empiricism though because of it's overall melody and the line up was the most solid. But then again, Archaic course has some bloody great songs....
Evil Dead said:
Olden Doman is my favorite.

I think folks who get into Borknagar later in their catalog first will most likely prefer those albums. It is like me and Opeth. I love their first two albums, and that can't stand the rest, whereas most of my friends loathe those two and prefer the later.

The first Borknagar album I heard was Epic, and my favourite after that became "The Archaic Course"... Soon after that I fell in love with "Quintessence", by the time I listened carefully to "Empiricism" I realised this is a band that's just got so much solid work, it ALL rules:-)
The Hubster said:
The first Borknagar album I heard was Epic, and my favourite after that became "The Archaic Course"... Soon after that I fell in love with "Quintessence", by the time I listened carefully to "Empiricism" I realised this is a band that's just got so much solid work, it ALL rules:-)

Shit my grammar is bad (above post of mine.) But you are right about the solid work. Solefald is another band I have always found enjoyable album to album, another is Root.
Evil Dead said:
Shit my grammar is bad (above post of mine.) But you are right about the solid work. Solefald is another band I have always found enjoyable album to album, another is Root.

I think these days it's rare to find bands who have consistently put out amazing standards of music, don't you?

I have a good friend who I often discuss music with, and times more often than not, he'll say "Oh but after this album, they kind of wane off", or "the first X albums aren't too great" etc etc.

But with Borknagar, and Vintersorg for that matter also, they produce great work, everytime. You can hear the effort in the results, it really comes out.

(Jeez I sound like a real fan boy, but I can't help but be so passionate about it, I haven't felt like this since first discovering Iron Maiden back in 1986).
The Hubster said:
I think these days it's rare to find bands who have consistently put out amazing standards of music, don't you?

I have a good friend who I often discuss music with, and times more often than not, he'll say "Oh but after this album, they kind of wane off", or "the first X albums aren't too great" etc etc.

But with Borknagar, and Vintersorg for that matter also, they produce great work, everytime. You can hear the effort in the results, it really comes out.

(Jeez I sound like a real fan boy, but I can't help but be so passionate about it, I haven't felt like this since first discovering Iron Maiden back in 1986).

It's nothing wrong in being passionate...I think it's a quality that many people don't even care about now adays.

mr V
That does seem to be the case.

Funnily enough, I saw a display of such musical passion last night at a gig.

I went and saw some "almost metal" bands, but one band visiting from Melbourne particular stood out: Colditz Glider.

This band were very UN-metal, infact, they were VERY Camel, very Yes. Their whole gig was instrumental and full of many time changes.

Their passion came through in their performance in a big way, it was fantastic to see something purely about musical passion & technicality, you could see it in their faces and the way they played.

This kind of thing, which I have to agree on with the above post, is indeed rare these days, but not only in bands, but I think also to an extent, the fans themselves.
karpsmom said:
Quintessence and The Olden Domain are my favorite albums!
OK I'm adding Empiricism to this list! Vintersorgs voice is so good! Borknagar has had three of the best vocalists in metal including my favorite singer of all time, Garm. So Borknagar is one of my favorite bands!
The Hubster said:
The first two LPs to me are the times when Borknagar were getting comfy and finding out who they were.

I think this could be said about a lot of bands. You'll find that most bands in their early days tend to sound more like their influences (i.e. you'll find that early Kiss sounds a lot like the Beatles).

Sadly, most bands don't improve as they get older. While I haven't picked up copies of material from Borknagar before Quintessence (the stores in the OC suck whale cock!), their material continues to improve with each release. :)

It's almost making me afraid to order their older material from Century Media!

Note: I said, "almost." :grin:
mevyhetal said:
I like all of their albums. Recently been spinning The Olden Domain.

I've been listening to The Olden Domain alot lately as well.

As far as picking a favorite, I can't I enjoy all their albums equally.
sumairetsu said:
I think this could be said about a lot of bands. You'll find that most bands in their early days tend to sound more like their influences (i.e. you'll find that early Kiss sounds a lot like the Beatles).

Sadly, most bands don't improve as they get older. While I haven't picked up copies of material from Borknagar before Quintessence (the stores in the OC suck whale cock!), their material continues to improve with each release. :)

It's almost making me afraid to order their older material from Century Media!

Note: I said, "almost." :grin:

Funny you should say that, as I have finally picked up a copy of The Olden Domain, and will be getting the first LP soon as well.

The newer Borknagar has prepared me for the older Borknagar. And now, I still say that all their material in their history is "level" all the way through. Mr Brun has been consistently brilliant the whole time, but also evolving and growing as well.

Only one more CD to go and then I have the lot!