Conquest of Steel - Snooty Fox, Wakefield


Ruler of the Forest
Feb 27, 2004
Sheffield, UK
Right, just got back from the Snooty Fox, having witnessed Conquest of Steel. I'm not going to write a full review, but I am going to say, we do need these guys to play at bloodstock. They were fantastic. Every song was great in it's own way, and they really did lift the roof.

Shame about the final band, really :(

Hello to Jonoleth and Joe5now, anyone else from here go? I probably saw you and didn't realise...
Nudger said:
Right, just got back from the Snooty Fox, having witnessed Conquest of Steel. I'm not going to write a full review, but I am going to say, we do need these guys to play at bloodstock. They were fantastic. Every song was great in it's own way, and they really did lift the roof.

Shame about the final band, really :(

Hello to Jonoleth and Joe5now, anyone else from here go? I probably saw you and didn't realise...

Funny you should mention that...

BIOMECHANICAL, CONQUEST OF STEEL & H.O.S.T.I.L.E Are playing a gig in Birmingham on the 10th April at Bilskirnir Night - The Royal George pub.

Entry is £5 but worth it i'm sure you agree!

more details:
Thats definately worth it, in fact thats a bargain! sounds like a really good lineup, shame its so far away... Conquest are one of the countries greatest metal bands i reckon... So ultimately metal!
Its smallish and not the nicest of places but the sound quality is top notch, i was very impressed and the lighting and stuff is good, also the stage isnt as small as most venues of its size... I advise you to definately play there! mainly cos i could come and watch but it is a goodish venue...
They really do try their utmost to get the best sound out of each band and for a venue of that size, it's great. It's quite friendly so I think, and the only problem as Jono said is that it's rather small. You can still fit a decent audience in there though, I'd say it would be well worth playing.
Its big enough to warrant a bar at the front on which to lean whilst banging the old noggin, you know, bit of the old casual windmilling which is always handy i find, although im not sure my neck is too keen on it... Its got a hangover all of its own today... Along with my right arm actually, i didnt think i was waving my fist that much, but then it did seem to last about five minutes so i think my view of the evening is a bit skewed... (And thats without the aid of alchohol... Who needs it when youve got metal!)
I saw CoS in London twice last year they were great - decapitated heads, broadswords and a Manowar cover - yeah, get them to Bloodtsock!!
I was dissapointed, at the soundcheck they played a great cover of Leatger Rebel which got me singing along, i was hoping for a live rendition... Although i did get my cry of Heavy Fucking Metal! shouted back at me... You see, i dont normally swear but they were that great!
Theyre great at whipping up the crowd, absolutely fantastic interaction, although im not sure how that part of their show would translate to a bigger venue...
Ive heard those tracks and they are shocking, that was a long time ago i presume, trust me, they are a great band but they dont seem to have any ambitions towards recording music... They are a great live band, if you do get the chance to see them, do....