Conservatives and Metal


Nov 19, 2001
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I read this on yesterday. Reactions?

William Grim, the conservative writer who was responsible for the now-infamous anti-heavy metal article on the The Iconoclast web site, has posted the following entry (dated Dec. 18, 2004) to his Flyover Country Chronicles blog:

"We live in such culturally benighted times that there are even some political conservatives who will defend the existence of heavy metal ? a quasi-musical performance art that is overwhelmingly homoerotic in origin, indicative of immaturity and alienation, emotionally and psychologically stunted, and overwhelmingly anti-family, anti-society, anti-religion, and anti-intellectual in orientation. Ironically, the sale of heavy metal CDs is also the chief way by which funds are raised for both American and European neo-Nazi political organizations. Of course, the barbaric, tribal aspect of heavy metal bespeaks a socialist, rather than conservative, Weltanschauung.

"Here are some more interesting articles about
He's an utter tool not worth wasting time over. I ranted for about 28 seconds in the big Dimebag thread, not worth discussing further.
Fuck it.

"a quasi-musical performance art"

Conjecture. Most who say metal is not musical are those that don't pay attention to what is going on. Is most metal noisy? Yes. Is it noise? No. This guy needs to look back at how music was treated in the dark ages, he's doing the same thing.

"that is overwhelmingly homoerotic in origin"

What!? I don't get it but that's pretty cool. Maybe metalheads should be a little more hetero like wrestling. :dopey:

"indicative of immaturity"

I don't want to grow up, for I am a Toys R' Us kid.

"and alienation"

Lots of people feel alienated from society, if they turn to a specific artform to cope THAT'S A POSITIVE THING.

"emotionally and psychologically stunted"

This ties in to the immaturity comment I suppose, but this is based on the assumption that being conservative in life equates being mature. As if those who have lived boring "mature" lifes know anything about the world or themselves.

"and overwhelmingly anti-family, anti-society, anti-religion"

Some can be yes, a social commentary if you will. Is there something wrong with that?

"and anti-intellectual in orientation."

What is this based on? This makes as much sense as the homoerotic comment.

"Of course, the barbaric, tribal aspect of heavy metal bespeaks a socialist, rather than conservative, Weltanschauung."

No no, remember, heavy metal alienates you from society, it doesn't give you a group to join to identify with and make it through life.
I pretty much agree with his observations, just not his underlying thesis; that being a normal law abiding and 'moral' Christian is the goal of every member of society. What is normal, sane, heterosexual, religious, intellectual? It surely cant be American conservativism.

Homoerotic Christian Metal
I read a handful more of his rants and came to the conclusion that this guy is basically one of the more egregiously assholic ANUSites, except with metal and Christianity switched around in his pantheon of positives and negatives. Seriously, if you forbade them to talk about Jesus or Burzum, William Grim and Mornelithe Falconsbane would probably be pretty good buddies.

Anyway, fuck this guy with a spork.