ohh no..the conservatives are coming!!


80's thrash-miester
Jul 23, 2004
Seattle, WA
This a thread from the band Destruction's web forum:

Total Desaster Master

Joined: 07 Aug 2003
Posts: 330
Location: Mexico right winged people and other suckers in metal music

I wonder why lately many right winged people (including racist) are getting into Heavy Metal in general. In the past days there was no room for such crap since Metal stands againts all what right wing (and extreme left wing) suports to.

I have always taken Metal as a way to make people more intelligent, but it seems that many newer fans (and some olde ones as well) only goal in Metal is to be more stupid and intolerant. As I see it, most of this crap comes from the trendy norwegian Black "Metal", but it seems to reach other Metal styles as well.

So, I wonder also if Metal music is turning into a birthplace for right winged people and why this is happening
Metal til death
Sun Jan 09, 2005 5:56 pm

here was my response:

Oh no the right wingers are coming...what are we gonna do!!??
waawaawaa...why don't you cry about it?

If you were as "tolerant" as you say they should be you wouldn't have your panties in a bunch in the first place. Who the FUCK decieded heavy metal had to be anti-conservative?

Here's a little list of all the rad musicians I know of that voted for Bush in 04. Billy Milano, Dave Mustaine (yes, you read that right!!), Lee Ving from FEAR(who back in the 80's was referred to by Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedy's as a "fascist"), and Jeff Hanneman of Slayer...There are many more too. I myself am a conservative independant.

It never ceases to amaze me how conservative-haters preach tolerance...but you see only tolerance for what they believe...if it isn't liberal you don't have to tolerate it...in other words...liberals tolerate everything...except anything that isn't liberal...

So, I think you are in for more dread and pain in the future because conservatives are strong in metal and punk...and we will never die!!

So what do you think guys? Some liberals in the metal community are AFRAID of the new wave of conservatism. Ohh well, too damn bad for them, right!
Christ!!! yet you are a conservative bitching about how Democrats bitch...Kinda ironic huh..And if you took the time to fully grasp the words that the guy said, he denounces the extreme left also.

I wonder why lately many right winged people (including racist) are getting into Heavy Metal in general. In the past days there was no room for such crap since Metal stands againts all what right wing (and extreme left wing) suports to.

And an even funnier statement
So what do you think guys? Some liberals in the metal community are AFRAID of the new wave of conservatism. Ohh well, too damn bad for them, right!

Way to be a uniter!!!:tickled:
ok, everybody just shut the fuck up. Music is not and shall never be about politics. Mosh your differences aways and stop putting fuckin right or left on bands names. Who really gives a fuck, as long as you enjoy the music. i bet you went to see bands that you love that are totaly against bush and it didnt ruin your nice quiet evening at the show. Free speech anyway right?!
Right wing, left wing who fuckin cares.... You guys are starting to remind me of two jerk off's fighting over who gets to climb the monkey bars first on the play ground.
O.K my right wing and left wing friends, answer this for me (really I want to know) whats your opions on G.W.B spending 50million on his own ball. Is he footing the bill or are we? Or is it more fuck holes in big business paying for G.W.B's party for a favor or two? If anybody has a clue I would like to know...
ian442 said:
I said one and i'll say it again. Shut the fuck up and play in your band.

I don't care about your political views...when you're washed up and can't garner an audience anymore head on over to CNN....until then see above.

Politics has no place in metal.
:headbang: Exactly....who cares. I am so sick of discussing politics, especially when it comes to music.

Right wing, left wing who fuckin cares.... You guys are starting to remind me of two jerk off's fighting over who gets to climb the monkey bars first on the play ground.
O.K my right wing and left wing friends, answer this for me (really I want to know) whats your opions on G.W.B spending 50million on his own ball. Is he footing the bill or are we? Or is it more fuck holes in big business paying for G.W.B's party for a favor or two? If anybody has a clue I would like to know...

It's money left over from his campaign(as far as I know). I think he should spend it on better things..... like more armor for our troops. Now theres a thought
Who fucking cares!!!
Shit, I thought we were done with this noise in Nov...The election is over
The democrats are still crying:cry: And it seem like the conservatives are coming off arrogant:heh: .....End this shit!! No matter how you cut it we got 4 more years!!! I'm happy, some are pissed..Again WHO FUCKING CARES!!!

It seems like alot of these clowns get here and start trying to make waves about stuff we debated months ago..Don't fall into that shit. I mean Billy's fired his guitarist and is talking about bringing back Joe Affe....That's the most MOD news we've seen in awhile we should talk about that. Hell I'd rather be slamming the racist pussies than seeing this tired,played out topic:zzz: :zzz:

Change the fucking subject!!!
T_man357 said:
Who fucking cares!!!
Shit, I thought we were done with this noise in Nov...The election is over
The democrats are still crying:cry: And it seem like the conservatives are coming off arrogant:heh: .....End this shit!! No matter how you cut it we got 4 more years!!! I'm happy, some are pissed..Again WHO FUCKING CARES!!!

It seems like alot of these clowns get here and start trying to make waves about stuff we debated months ago..Don't fall into that shit. I mean Billy's fired his guitarist and is talking about bringing back Joe Affe....That's the most MOD news we've seen in awhile we should talk about that. Hell I'd rather be slamming the racist pussies than seeing this tired,played out topic:zzz: :zzz:

Change the fucking subject!!!

Well T-Man, make a thread worth responding to. You haven't been posting lately. So I am just responding to the idiots posting stupid shit and for the record I am not a fucking monkey and I am not crying over the election. I know that we have 4 more years of Bush. It's your conservative compadres that are the sore winners and just can't seem to shut the fuck up about Bush.
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:

It's your conservative compadres that are the sore winners and just can't seem to shut the fuck up about Bush.
And I thought you are sick of discussing politics, Steve!:D :kickass:
Yeah, I guess I stuck my foot in my mouth on that one. Good point Johnnie!! I guess I just feel the need to have to defend myself and my beliefs when some asswipe starts shit...
I didn't say you were a monkey or that you were crying....But if the shoe fits..

And 2nd I haven't been posting because this tired bullshit hasn't been worth it
I just happened to be in a mood yesterday and went off..

I don't think you have a problem playing with this thread or else you wouldn't be baiting me to jump on this tired ass subject....And to boot the only reason I posted that was to back up a post you made earlier.

But fuck it, I guess you'll have at least 4 more years to keep this thread alive.

I'm done with it....

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:

Well, T-Man make a thread worth responding to. You haven't been posting lately. So I am just responding to the idiots posting stupid shit and for the record I am not a fucking monkey and I am not crying over the election. I know that we have 4 more years of Bush. It's your conservative compadres that are the sore winners and just can't seem to shut the fuck up about Bush.