Considering Presonus Studio One


I love this gain
Oct 20, 2007
But first I want to know some specifics. I read 4 or 5 threads but all of them are a bit dated for my needs.

-Does it work flawlessly on Mountain Lion 10.8.3? Stability issues I should know of?

-64 bit and bridges for plugins that still aren't 64?

-Hardware routing integration, delay compensation.

-Anything I should be aware? Known issues?

I come from PT, Cubase and Reaper so I'm not afraid of the learning curve. I'll have one month to experiment with it but I'd like some insight prior to demo it as I don't have the time now to research that much.
not sure about Mac as im on PC but there is no inbuilt bit bridge, reports show that jbridge does work

have a look on the studio one forum for your answers, its a great forum with friendly posters
What would you gain changing a DAW? in the end they are all like cars, they drive the music were you want it. It doesnt matter what brad it is really, as long as you can drive properly.
Let me add, that the only reason for changing a daw as happened to my self was only the output conversion algorithm and nothing else.
not sure about Mac as im on PC but there is no inbuilt bit bridge, reports show that jbridge does work

have a look on the studio one forum for your answers, its a great forum with friendly posters

Thanks, maybe will do but I got not much time to spare right now.

What would you gain changing a DAW? in the end they are all like cars, they drive the music were you want it. It doesnt matter what brad it is really, as long as you can drive properly.

Let me add, that the only reason for changing a daw as happened to my self was only the output conversion algorithm and nothing else.

Well, you answered your own question. There are features people like me miss from some DAWS. I buy cars depending on many factors. Sure they all take me from point A to point B but, come on, some of them are more expensive than others, more comfortable, more reliable... I've had 4 of them and, like in DAWs, BIG difference.

In the case of Reaper, big issues like hardware integration and routing. I ditched Cubase cause I missed some things at the moment and there are cheaper alternatives now. I sold PT, 003 and dongles cause I'm not into companies raping me anymore. I'm pretty anal lately about policies and shit.

But let's not turn this into the typical fight between DAWS, I tried a bucnh and know them quite well. And I was pretty specific in my questions. If you want to help, fine. If not, better kindly GTFO and I will search my own when I have some more time to spare.

And another thing I'd like to know. I think it's called session import or something in English. Are you able to import changes in one session into another?
Hi from a messurment quality point of view, best quality output is only. PT 8 and up and Nuendo 4 (only). If you want the best quality output, these are your choises.
I wouldn't sacrifice quality for any ergonomics no matter how cool.
thats what seperates the men from the boys anyway...
Best quality output ?

Yeah, I was going to pick up on that too but thought I'd let it slide.

I mean, we all know the summing engine in AMDs are more accurate than Intels, although Intels will give you a lower signal to noise ratio. It's all a trade off though, and I'm sure one can notch EQ out any undersirable artifacts with the right attack time.
Hi from a messurment quality point of view, best quality output is only. PT 8 and up and Nuendo 4 (only). If you want the best quality output, these are your choises.

I wouldn't sacrifice quality for any ergonomics no matter how cool.
thats what seperates the men from the boys anyway...

Oh no, this again. I didn't mean to but...

Here you go 4 universal truths:

1. There's no such thing as better output quality in different DAWS with the same constants (not talking about those that use saturation like Harrison Mixbus). The big boys and the men altogether have tried to prove it for years in endless sessions and know what? Files fucking null.

2. If you use different hardware with the diferent DAW's, it WILL sound different.

3. If you don't adjust pan laws, it WILL sound different.

4. Swedish girls are the hottest.

Back to S1? Unless you want to keep going on hottest girls, of course ;)
Oh no, this again. I didn't mean to but...

Here you go 4 universal truths:

1. There's no such thing as better output quality in different DAWS with the same constants (not talking about those that use saturation like Harrison Mixbus). The big boys and the men altogether have tried to prove it for years in endless sessions and know what? Files fucking null.

2. If you use different hardware with the diferent DAW's, it WILL sound different.

3. If you don't adjust pan laws, it WILL sound different.

4. Swedish girls are the hottest.

Back to S1? Unless you want to keep going on hottest girls, of course ;)

Hi I'm afraid you don't know what your talking about, I am an analyst already offered to be hired by slate digital and Eiosis so yeah I know what I am talking about...

Frequency response, THD and THD+N in each DAW main output is different depending on its algorithm. You can just route a sine wave from your daw to a THD analyzer and see really whats going on. Also there are more sophisticated tests that prove that. More so, than that. load a mix in cubase 5 then load the same mix in Nuendo 4. The differense is apparent. so basicly, before you start playing smart ass. Be one.
What the fuck are you idiots talking about? 1+1=2 .. ALWAYS.

DAWS add signals together. Given the same plugins, the same levels, the same pan laws... there is no difference in the output. It's called MATH!
Hi I'm afraid you don't know what your talking about, I am an analyst already offered to be hired by slate digital and Eiosis so yeah I know what I am talking about...

Frequency response, THD and THD+N in each DAW main output is different depending on its algorithm. You can just route a sine wave from your daw to a THD analyzer and see really whats going on. Also there are more sophisticated tests that prove that. More so, than that. load a mix in cubase 5 then load the same mix in Nuendo 4. The differense is apparent. so basicly, before you start playing smart ass. Be one.


And if you're gonna type English, learn to write English first.
Anyway, I'm too busy as it is, to be arguing about something fairly easy to test. I'm trying to help here but seems people, apriciatte more their ego than real input...This is sad;
If it's easy to test then please link to the test or results. Explain your method and tools for testing. Proof will carry a lot of weight here but stating who you almost worked for or insulting the forum won't carry any.
Man I dont have the time to do that in the extend nesecery, nor I feel I have to prove anything. Just load the cubase 5 nuendo 4 example and you'll get your answer. That analysis project I did almost two or more years ago. Instead I call anyone that can post me data in that matter that say that all daws are uniquality output, please do.

In the mean while when I'll have the time I'll make a simple cubase to nuendo to protools 10 comparison just for the sake of information, and nothing more.
If it's easy to test then please link to the test or results. Explain your method and tools for testing. Proof will carry a lot of weight here but stating who you almost worked for or insulting the forum won't carry any.

..and one more thing, you can't insult anyone with truth.