Contagion feelings


New Metal Member
Jan 24, 2003
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This is my first post to the forum, so I will introduce myself:

My name is Ian Lay and I'm a 31 year old male who lives in London. About 2 years ago I turned my back on the charts because I just couldn't find good music to listen to in the main. I decided to get a hold of Marillion's Misplaced Childhood on CD (as I only had it on tape and hadn't played it for quite a while). I bought it on Amazon and then proceeded to seek out the other Fish-era Marillion albums. From this I picked up a couple of Fish CDs and through a recomendation from Amazon I found Pendragon and Arena.

I also listen to Genesis, IQ, Yes, Pendragon (mentioned above), Pink Floyd and others.

I really love the music Arena write and certainly their music is found more often on my hi-fi than any other band. Though I 'll be honest and say that IQ's Subterranea has been getting a lot of play since I got it a few months ago (excellent album, worth checking out if you have not heard it).

Now... to Contagion. I have had the album about 3 or 4 days now, like others I expect. I'm not going to go through it track by track (Need to play it a lot more before I can do that)

It needs a few listens. It's a very complex piece of music. It's obvious the guys have put a lot of work into this album and like most concept albums it is only fully appreciated in the whole.

It was at about the 4th or 5th time of listening that I started to really appreciate Contagion. It's different from what they have done before but the influences of The Visitor and Immortal? are there in places.

There are not so many obviously catchy tunes as in previous albums, but this doesn't detract from the fact that this is a very powerful and emotionally stirring album.

At places it gets quite heavy... certainly heavier than Arena have got in the past. But that is transcened with some beautiful soft pieces like "An Angel Falls" and "Never Ending Night".

I don't normally like to compare things too much as with any piece of art you should judge it on it's own. Also when making comparisons, a person's own bias, likes and dislikes play a factor. All I will say is that many amongst you will find this to be their best work yet. For me The Visitor is my favourite all-time album from any band so for Contagion to beat that... well only time will tell.

The bottom line is this is a very very good album and each time you listen to it you will discover things you hadn't heard before. You will, I expect, enjoy this as much as any previous Arena album... and for some it will be the highlight so far.

Can't wait for the extra material released later this year.


Ian, I agree with your assessment of the current "chart scene," it is the same here in the States. I just got my copy of Contagion yesterday (since I live all the way on the other side in California!) After even one listen, I am amazed at how this band can create such an excellent piece of work whilst refusing to sound repetitive from previous efforts, no matter how great they are as well.

You are also right in that this album will need several listens to unearth many of its intracacies--but it is a journey which I relish taking. Of course, I am not ready to do a track-by-track analysis, but that may come down the road. Thanks Clive, Mick, John, Rob and Ian for a superb album!

Hi Jerry,

For me if people want to listen to chart music and have dictated to them the kind of music they are allowed to listen to... well that's their loss. The way I look it is I'm glad that bands like Arena are not top of the's far too good music to let the "rabble" at it! ;-)

That may well be a little harsh......but the way I look at it I would prefer to love a band which has a small but loyal following than be part of a crowd of millions that appreciates something like (insert currnet favourite boy-band).

Anyway I better stop as this is getting a little off-topic and as I'm new to the forum I wouldn't want to push my luck! ;-)


I got "Contagion" yesterday in my mailbox and I already fell in love with it after only a few listens. I agree with Tazman, the sound is much "heavier" than most previous albums which is probably caused by the more dominant guitar in certain tracks. I really like that development of the band and I think John Mitchell is doing an amazing job on Contagion, maybe even his best performance ever (just listen to the solo on "Never Ending Night"!).

Compared to "Immortal?" the album might be a bit easier "listenabel" because the tracks are all rather short this time and the song structures usually arent that complex. I really like the musical concept though. I already recognized some themes that are repeated and adapted in different songs (f.ex. the "Painted Man" Theme) and I'm sure I'll recognize even more after a few more listens, like I did with "The Visitor". I'm sure the CD will hold a lot of secrets we will only reveal after some time.

I cant really comment every single song yet, but my favorites so far are "Painted Man", "Skin Game", "Salamander" and "Ascension". It's always difficult to put out a few song in a concept album cause usually (at least with good concept albums) the concept as a whole is producing the atmoshpere of the album, and I think that's also the case with "Contagion".

I'm already looking forward to see the guys live once again in April!!
Well having listened to Contagion religiously for the last week now my first assumption was correct. There is a hell of lot going on in this album. I love it...simple as that. The Visitor will always hold special meaning for me because of the first time I heard it. But musically Contagion is the best album the guys have done. Like others seem to be saying as well, I like the direction that band has been going with their music and Contagion is the next step in the evolution. Long may it continue.

I've never seen Arena live and I'm hoping to see them in the UK if they have any gigs over here (anyone know if they will be in the UK), or I'll have to pop over the water and catch them in Northern Europe. Good excuse for a a few days away! ;-)



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