favourite song/album


Lost Soul
Aug 27, 2001
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Hello !
I'm new to Arena's music and I can only tell a thing: I just love their music !! I only have The Visitor and Immortal? for now but I'm planing to buy more !!
I was wondering what was your favourite song or album from Arena feel free to give more comments

My favourite is The Hanging Tree
Now that is a difficult question. If I'm in a traditional mood, it's got to be "Valley Of The Kings", if I allow myself to be a bit more up to date with the world, I'd say "Moviedrome". I do, however, enjoy Arena's softer moments (a fan of Camel would say that, eh?) and "Friday's Dream" is fantastic. Hoping for a variation of hard/gooey moments on the new album! Favourite album..........................gggggggnnnnnnnnn, it's got to be "Immortal?". There - I said it! Can I change my mind now?
"Solomon" will always be my most liked song by Arena -- especially LIVE.

Also as a whole I like "Songs from the lions cage" very very much; IMO there is not one single weak track on it, whereas I have to skip at least one on every other release (like "Welcome to the Cage" -- uargh).

Best album on the overall I'd choose "The Visitor". Never since and never before has such an atmosphere been created on any ARENA album.
Favorite album: Terribly difficult to say. Maybe The Visitor?
Favorite song: Is and will always be Solomon, but Sirens, Moviedrome, The Butterfly Man, The Hanging Tree and The Visitor are close up. I just listen to 'Painted man' from Contagion. Nobody knows the goodies this album will present us... :)
Originally posted by fragarch
Hello !
I'm new to Arena's music and I can only tell a thing: I just love their music !! I only have The Visitor and Immortal? for now but I'm planing to buy more !!
I was wondering what was your favourite song or album from Arena feel free to give more comments

My favourite is The Hanging Tree
: If I need to make a choise, then I could say that my favourite album is 'The Visitor'. But I love too much all Arena's album. Some song remain my best since the first time I heard them: Solomon, Sirens, The Hanging Tree, Moviedrome, Valley Of The Kings, Tears in The Rain, The Visitor and so on and on .... I hope to hear as soon as possible others Contagion's samples.
hey im new to the forum, i somewhere heard one arena song which i cant recall and where i live i cant find any cd's of them. Ive searched kazaa and still got nothing...