Continuing Event ASP 8 woes


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
So, big realization today.

My Multiface for whatever reason decided only to output audio down the left speaker. That was fine, got it fixed. Upon testing each channel individually I noticed that the tonality of each of my ASP8 speakers is VASTLY different.

Now, I've already said that I had to totally mismatch the amp input levels for them to sound approximately alike. At this point in time I'm also running the high shelf on one at +3dB, the other at -1dB, and not to mention that the low shelf on one doesn't seem to function.

One speaker is mid central, whereas the other one is high central. On the left I get the guitars forward and on the right I get the cymbals way forward.

I think the crux of all this is a warning to you guys. Event quality control is disgustingly bad. Even my generic Chinese speakers weren't this mismatched. I will be getting rid of these ASAP and shooting for something in the realm of Focal Twin 6's or the like.

Damn, sorry Ermz, that really sucks - I hate to rub salt in the wound, but given their situation, how do you plan on selling 'em? (it'd be risky to ebay 'em, lest they get snatched buy a buyer with ears as keen as yours who calls you out)
I know a few local guys who aren't quite as discriminating and would likely welcome speakers of their caliber into their home-studio set-ups. Many of these guys are working with computer speakers, or cheap hi-fi rigs, so it'll be a welcome arrangement for both parties I think.

Biggest issue will be putting the funds together for decent monitors to move up to, in light of spending quite a bit of cash on the Millennia. I'm honestly stumped. In a perfect world I'd get the O300s, but I'm not there yet. Next best thing are the Focals, and below that I don't even know.... could save some cash and go for HS80s... but would they be a step down from the Events? Hard to say.
Well all I can say is I find it hard to believe once you got to know the HS80s you'd have a hard time doing a good mix on 'em! I mean, you're not exactly new to all this ;)
Just called a local retailer to demo a pair of Event Opals. They're doing an insanely good price on them by Oz standards. I know I may be setting myself up for failure since we're dealing with Event again... but I'm hoping with the new design they've stepped up the quality control. I will demo them all the same... see how we go. Will start researching the model intensely now...

Thanks for the feedback. Yes I'm sure the HS80s would do fine, but at this stage in my life I just want something to take me to the next level.
Jeesus. I've heard of others having issues with Event's quality control in the past, but thankfully haven't had a single problem with my ASP8s.

It's bizarre that the voicing is that way off. These things are mass produced with identical components. The only thing I can think of is that something got screwed up at the point of assembly.
Dude, I'm really sorry and quite annoyed also to hear that you continue to have problems with those.

It's odd that for something we can all love, we find so much that works against forward progress.
It's cool guys. I'm used to it. I've had an extremely poor track record with gear of all kinds. If there is any chance of defects, I will run into them without fail. It's just my lot in life.

I'll be selling these off soon and shooting for a pair of Event Opals, provided all goes well. They're cheap enough to fit within my price range, and hopefully provide lasting quality. Since Event are now a local company, I would imagine servicing to be an easier process.
While I probably shouldn't be saying it in these ecconomic times, I prefer to buy things that aren't made locally. The quality of Australian manufacturing is really letting us all down. For the amount we pay and the wages we know that the workers in Australia are getting (compared to the Asian countries) I think the quality control more than anything is complete shit!

Good luck with the new pair. Hopefully they will let you listen to them before you take them home.
Nah, I completely agree with you. I buy as much shit from abroad as possible, but honestly for the price and general quality of the speakers, I haven't found anything that matches. I mean I think it's a more sound investment than buying a friggin pair of O300s for $6,000+!

The Opals are set up at both Audio Oz and Soundcorp, so I will try them there. Also a pair in Factory Sound, but their demo room blows monkey chunks.
You should have bought the Adams while they were 549 GBP (at the time I bought mine this was less than 650 euro) at DolphinMusic and SoundsLive, now they are around 700 GBP. Also you should include Dynaudio BM5A in you list, imo.
I've tried out both the A7 and BM5as extensively. I don't like either of them. Both are quite severely scooped, with the Adam having a pretty uneven and boomy low-end, and the tweeter contributing to a very strange, unnatural high and upper mid.. The BM5as were better, but not by much. They had a very lumpy response, and this became quite evident when run alongside the BM6As next to them. Plus, they both have pretty poor low extension, even if they are hyped in their respective ported areas.
Since Event are now a local company, I would imagine servicing to be an easier process.

The Factory/Supplier is only about a 40 Minute drive from me in Sydney, well atleast for RODE. Im not Sure about events but they were really good to me with a Rode m3 that got destroyed by a Drummer on his snare. Took it down they replaced the capsule on the spot free of charge even with knowing it was a physical Damage.

I know alot of pple who have bought some of their expensive line (K2, NTK, Classic II) off ebay and just took it down to them to check the Mic PCB's out for faults.

Also working at a Music Store who Supplies RODE, have found any warranty issues dealt with so well.

Then again This is Rode, Same Supplier, Same Manufacturer but differnent Product.
It's funny you mention this, because it was Rode microphones up in Sydney that I bought the Events from. It was part of their 'b-stock'. If only they had them checked prior to shipping them to me :lol:
I've tried out both the A7 and BM5as extensively. I don't like either of them. Both are quite severely scooped, with the Adam having a pretty uneven and boomy low-end, and the tweeter contributing to a very strange, unnatural high and upper mid.. The BM5as were better, but not by much. They had a very lumpy response, and this became quite evident when run alongside the BM6As next to them. Plus, they both have pretty poor low extension, even if they are hyped in their respective ported areas.

Sorry, I should have quoted Kaomao's post because mine was aimed at him. I know you're not a fan of the Adams :p
I'm wondering if the monitors are the problem? Maybe there's a chance they're letting you know you've got some serious issues with your room....

My advice, before you throw them in the dumpster, set them up in a bigger room & double check. At this point it can't hurt.

FWIW, I've been running a set for the last couple of years & they've been fantastic.
It's nothing to do with the room or external gear. I've had monitors in here before, ones that have been properly matched, and the differences have been fairly audible. The first giveaway here was that stereo imaging felt really strange. Like there was no defined midpoints. There is something certainly wrong with the monitors themselves... or at least one of them.