Control room design ideas


Apr 29, 2008
So I recently moved to a new studio space (not built by me) that is bloody huge and really nice all around, but the acoustics in the control room are pretty rubbish. add to the fact that another kid that does work for me sometimes will be tracking drums while I need to be doing other stuff, and it really makes me want to build out another "studio-b" type room.

luckily for me there's still a huge un-finished section of the studio that I can build whatever I want in. all I have to be able to do in this room is track DI guitars, DI bass, and vocals. I will still do my drums in the main live room.

This is what I need the room to do for me:
a) be extremely acoustically accurate. I am building the room from nothing but a shell so I figure it should be pretty simple to accomplish this with the right design.
b) be pleasing and comfortable to be in for extended periods of time, as i will start using this room for 80% of my work

here is a sketch of the dimensions and stuff:

I have a few different ideas for layout and stuff, but no concrete research on what is gonna give me the most accurate low-end, stereo imaging, etc.

There does need to be a room, booth, or other division of the room for a vocal "booth". otherwise, maybe anyone with a few free moments on their hands could draw in what they would do if they had this to build in?

edit: oh and PS the ceilings are 12.5 feet high
would it be a no-no, for stereo imaging purposes at least, for my back to be to that angled wall?

like this:

What you have just done there is make every wall in that room parallel. That is a big no no for acoustics. You will experience alot of modal problems with the walls like that. Visit the John sayers forum for a plethora of info on this subject. The more you learn about acoustics, the more you'll wish you didn't. This stuff takes crazy planning!!
What you have just done there is make every wall in that room parallel. That is a big no no for acoustics. You will experience alot of modal problems with the walls like that. Visit the John sayers forum for a plethora of info on this subject. The more you learn about acoustics, the more you'll wish you didn't. This stuff takes crazy planning!!

Hey Nick :) how you man? Does this include all surfaces for example floor and roof?
Hey man, here's my thoughts:


You have pretty big place for you control room, which is good because bigger rooms means less problems. But make sure that you make it symmetrical, so you can get good stereo imaging.

Don't mind parallel walls, it's easier to tame those standing waves with slats resonators than build non-parallel walls. Plus, don't forget to treat your ceiling and walls.

You can go to Sayers forum for details and construction tips, it's not hard to build if you have access to certain tools.
yeah, Sayers forum is a blessing, much like Sneap forum :)

You have smaller room, so it needed more work, but if Clowd's budget allows, he can build some advanced stuff too, like soffit-mounted monitors and big-ass skyline diffusors on the back wall.

BTW, crillemannen, did you ever thought about soffit-mount your monitors? It will work like charm in your space, and it's not as hard to build as it looks.