Controversial Opinions on Life

I prefer myspace too, you can find a lot of great bands and artists in general, and you can keep in touch with them, a good place to promote your work. But facebook, is just like any other social network website, losing your time to watch some silly videos and talk to people about random things isn't my type things actually.
I like myspace and facebook for different reasons. Overall I would say I prefer facebook because more of my friends use it.
It's not really social networking.
If someone's added me (or vice versa) it's usually because i've met them IRL, or i'm aware of their existence via forumsetc.

It's not like I'm adding random people or anything.

It's just an easy way to keep in touch, and sahre links and shizzle. And mock peoples statuseses. And to defeat each other at shitty flash games.
I have two friends who think Myspace is too trendy yet they both have Facebook accounts. irony?

Hypocrites. I have both a Facebook and Myspace account; the Facebook is so I can keep in touch with high school friends and people I've met in other countries, and the Myspace account is for my music. It's kind of dumb though to subscribe to one and criticize the other.
Ugh, why does this thread still exist? It clearly has no hope of staying on-topic. It's just turned into an extra Social Thread.
There there sweetie, run along and make some threads about ejaculating horses. This conversation's for grown-ups.