Controversial Opinions on Life

I disagree, Mike. Facebook has become a great way for families to stay in touch, especially when relatives are scattered about the country.

Well, that's true but I think the quality of the site has deteriorated significantly since high school students were allowed to join. MySpace is a fucking ghost town now except for bands.

I keep up with my relatives through FB, but they're my cousins.
Must be a scary feeling to have pictures of oneself smoking pot circulating on the Internet. :lol:

There's not a whole lot on my Facebook profile that would be considered "not family friendly", other than a few drinking pics, my religious beliefs, and having Holy Fuck under my favorite bands.
Speaking if Michael Phelps, I remember during the Olympics I joined his Facebook fan page and it had a message board on it that was trolled to fuck. There was this one guy who kept making threads like 'ALL HIGH SCHOOLERS SHUT UP' and 'WHY DO my pals SMELL SO BAD?' and other assorted troll bait. I miss that board.
I disagree, Mike. Facebook has become a great way for families to stay in touch, especially when relatives are scattered about the country.

i only have facebook for family. its easy to keep track of things. even though i dont want to hear about my mothers damn love life...

my facebook also got my family here in touch with the family in norway. it was funny. when varg was released, i got messages from my family in norway haha
I don't see the problem with usernames. It doesn't change anything other than making it easier to direct people to you page if your are so inclined. I know it's helpful for me because my name is really common so searching it will get you many pages of results.
I added the other person with my name on facebook and he accused me of stealing it.

He looks like a version of me that works out a heck of a lot more and has a better lifestyle. Oh and he's doing well at college and has a really hot girlfriend.

It gave me a great idea for a film, but I doubt it's an original thought.
I disagree, Mike. Facebook has become a great way for families to stay in touch, especially when relatives are scattered about the country.

I've got a Facebook page because several of my friends were like "Oh get on Facebook blah blah blah" so I finally relent and get one... and I never use it. I prefer Myspace.