Controversial Opinions on Life

I actually don't mind those boots. If you were going for a black metal stage outfit, boots like that plus a bunch of spikes, tight black clothing, and some restrained corpsepaint could be pretty badass. Offstage you'd just look stupid, of course.

Come to think of it, what I just described is how the other guitarist from Behemoth was dressed when I saw them.
My, what an enlightening post. You've really turned the world on its head there. Allow me to award you the following items:
Let's see...

Your life and my life are meaningless, therefore there is no true "meaning" of life. You weren't put on this earth to do anything, you were put on this earth because your parents fucked... Nothing happens because it's "supposed to." No amount of worshipping anything is going to save you from an eternal ending of nothingness...

</end overly nihilistic post>
Haven't you heard of the stork, n00b?
It always disgusts me when I see a good looking black man who is reasonably built with an ugly fat ass trashy white woman. Maybe it's the thought that if I were him I would be banging hot black booty.
I disagree, I think we should be focusing on better management of our resources instead of ignoring that our management has sucked and blame it on the population.

Surprisingly, I agree with Dakryn. The whole 'population bomb' thesis is a very old bourgeois idea that is quite misleading.
There was a brief period where I found Chuck Norris amusing. I came into the whole Chuck Norris fad pretty late, so basically a bunch of people told me Chuck Norris jokes and I found them vaguely amusing. However, I have never seen a movie with Chuck Norris, nor would I recognize him if I saw a picture.