Cool new trend that I dig....


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
Visit site
I just received (via the mail) a CD I'd ordered from Dead Can Dance. They already did the European leg of their tour, and the American leg is coming up. Anyway, the CD is a soundboard recording that was professionally done by the band, packaged very nicely, and then sold in limited quantities (500 CDs). They did this for each show.

I also downloaded the Metallica show I saw this year (from them), and it made for a pretty nice package. You could print out the CD artwork and stickers etc. Pretty cool.

So, I'm hoping more and more bands do this. I'm a huge concert goer, and any chance to get a pro copy of a show I've been to is heaven to me. I think it may just be a matter of time and a great many bands will do this. Club shows are probably too small....but it would be pretty fucking cool to have a copy of the Maiden show one might attend etc.

Any thoughts?

OH, and the Dead Can Dance disc (2 CDs actually) is cool in every way. Very special packaging, good sound, pro sound....blah blah blah. Here's a link to the company that did it....

Again, I say, cool!
Yeah, lots of non-metal bands have been doing it too. Considering that it's gotta cost 'em next to nothing, I'm sure the trend will spread some more.