Cool on Leaves Eyes


Jan 11, 2006
I for one am excited about that addition. Going to be a late night! I haven't caught them since they opened for Blind Guardian, and most of the tours they are on either haven't come here or haven't had other bands I'm interested in. But for what this band does, they are one of if not the best. Thanks Glenn.
SWEET! Can't wait to see them. Responding to Glenn's post above. If you want to complain, NOBODY CARES! If you don't like who Glenn gets, stay the f*** home...and SHUT UP!
Hey, sorry if my one comment in the other thread contributed to any bitter feelings. It was just a side comment to Curufin about a shared experience and not intended to be derogatory. Apparently inappropriate. Leaves Eyes is a very well established band with lots of fans and I think it was a major coup for Glenn to add them to the fest. Kudos. I have enjoyed portions of their performances, and will catch a few songs for sure.
Wow - popped online last night for Glenn's announcement and the first few replies seemed positive, must have missed something. Hell, I am all for Glenn adding any band he can or wants to.

I have seen LE before and I thought they were good at what they did. I enjoyed the performance, and in a way - the "mellowness" of their music made the band following them seem even harder :) That sounds like a win/win to me.

Thanks for adding them Glenn - just keeps making things better & better. I have to say, I'm surprised he let this out of the bag so early,but it may help early ticket sales, so good job.

Cheers all
Hey, sorry if my one comment in the other thread contributed to any bitter feelings. It was just a side comment to Curufin about a shared experience and not intended to be derogatory. Apparently inappropriate.
I'm not sure what went on in that thread after I left my own comments (which I didn't think were all that derogatory). Given that the band's last CD didn't sell six billion copies, I'm guessing their fully aware that not everyone on earth is a fan. Regardless, the addition of Leaves Eyes merely made me realize how little this year's line up, as a whole, interests me. I'm going to wait to see what the Thursday line up looks like. But if it lacks a Pagan's Mind or a Vanden Plas, we'll likely use our ProgPower vacation days elsewhere.

I will honestly admit that I am interested to see how Leave's Eyes handles a venue this big. And I will also add that their bassist is creepy as fuck, and really fun as hell to watch play.
The only thing is that I'm surprised that Glenn was able to capture such a big fish, so to speak. I mean, aren't they mainstream by most people's standards?

Still glad that they're on the bill. But wow... it will definately be a LONG ass night!
merely made me realize how little this year's line up, as a whole, interests me. Zod

I'm actually surprised I have been able to hold your interest this long based on your increasingly diverging tastes.

As for your comments in the other thread, they were fine. I deleted the entire thread (including the positives) so it was a level playing field. There is a big difference between criticism of their music as opposed to making fun of a non-English band's use of the language.
I for one, since i live in a city where Ranchero music is the preferred genre of music, and we have to travel 400 miles to see a decent concert, I am interested in seeing Leaves Eyes, as I have never seen them like so many of you have. I enjoyed the videos Glenn put up, and it only peaked my interest. The same can be said for Oceans of Sadness and Paradox, I am now a big fan.
I'm excited. This is the only fest that just throws extra bands on the bill... free stuff after you've already got your tickets.
Did Leaves Eyes replace a band that had to drop off?

No. Leaves' Eyes is an additional band. There will be a total of 7 bands (instead of the previous 6) on Friday night.

I'm neutral. I have never cared for LE so far, so again this may be discovery time. My main bands for next year still are Seventh Wonder, Hammerfall, Tyr, Tarot. Thanks to Glenn for the freebie, keep all in mind that he didn´t had to do it
There is a big difference between criticism of their music as opposed to making fun of a non-English band's use of the language.

Whoah! Something must have really gone wrong since I last visited that post. I did see some people complaining about their music but yeah. I'm speechless. I for one like I said am looking forward to seeing them, I just merely was a little disappointed by their new disc, but I love their others. I actually was looking forward to seeing them when they were originally slotted on the King Diamond tour that got cancelled, so I'm glad I'll be able to see them this time.
I'm neutral. I have never cared for LE so far, so again this may be discovery time. My main bands for next year still are Seventh Wonder, Hammerfall, Tyr, Tarot. Thanks to Glenn for the freebie, keep all in mind that he didn´t had to do it

Agreed and I'm not kissing ass, but the fact that Glenn made the fest longer with an additional well-known band without an additional charge is something I am very glad for. We all know how anxious we get waiting outside for the doors to open and the first band to play. Now, we don't have to wait quite so long.
Agreed and I'm not kissing ass, but the fact that Glenn made the fest longer with an additional well-known band without an additional charge is something I am very glad for. We all know how anxious we get waiting outside for the doors to open and the first band to play. Now, we don't have to wait quite so long.

I'm guessing that Leaves Eyes will be touring with one of the ProgPower bands and would basically have been in town or something anyhow thus is probably 'cheaper' for Glenn than what it would normally cost. But still, very cool to have an extra 'free' band for the crowd. Hopefully it also = more sales :)