Cool on Leaves Eyes

Saw leaves Eye's at ProgPower UK a couple of years ago and they were immense. If I come over for PPUSA XI it will the second time in a year - they are on the bill at Bloodstock as well. Fingers crossed for the Viking ship!

Oh, and Zod, Fen are an awesome band. If its the same band that brought out The Malediction Fields then it is a truly brilliant soundscape of black metal. I actiually live in a part of the UK called 'The Fen's' and the music totally captures the bleak, flat winter conditions out here!
i think a US date was prematurely booked for a tour with atrocity but it later showed up as cancelled. the tour was supposed to be with atrocity and firewind. seems every time theyve tried to do something in the US since 2007 when that last tour was postponed in the fall there its been one issue or another.

the previous album and legend land EP sound better than the new one but its still better than anything theatre of tragedy has done since their last goth metal record with liv kristine.