cool show coming to phoenix


This is a small update on our very first tour. This is a targeted e-mail to those that live in the states where the shows will be. If you have any questions please let me know. Also, we made posters and flyers and anyone interested in helping spread the word again let me know.

Thanks and hopefully we will see you at the shows!

The End Records, home to challenging metal, ambient, progressive and dark electronic music announced a West Coast package tour of three of its most acclaimed acts, Antimatter, Virgin Black and Agalloch. The Omega tour (very lightly referred to as The End of all tours), will feature Antimatter from the UK, a group made up of current and past members of popular post-metal merchants Anathema. Antimatter's music brings in the dream-like wash of dark rock with elements of trip-hop and electronica. The group will have an upcoming release for the label available on tour before its U.S. release. Also featured is Virgin Black, hailing form Australia and whose music is made up of dark symphonic metal incorporating elements of classical and even medieval music with modern day angst. The group will also have their upcoming The End release available on tour. Last member of the tour is Agalloch, the Portland, OR based quasi folk, black progressive collective, who will be playing their first shows outside of their home region, band will also have an exclusive tour 7" for the shows.

Date City Venue

5/16 Seattle, WA The Catwalk Club

5/18 Portland, OR Dantes

5/20 San Francisco, CA The Curve (w/ guests Ludicra)

5/21 W. Hollywood, CA The Cat Club

5/22 Phoenix, AZ The Mason Jar (w/ guests Fall Of Empyrean)

5/23 Salt Lake City, UT Club DV8 (w/ guests Anima Nera)

All the best!

331 Rio Grande St. 58, SLC, UT 84101 USA
Tel: 801-355-0963 ext.1# Fax: 801-355-3091