coolest bloodbath line ever

"All my flesh and my bones, are ready to explode in a gush of red foam".....actually, come to think about it, anything from BD or RTC is t-shirt quote worthy. ESPECIALLY from Like fire
The one part in stillborn savior does it for me every time. "The ancient Gods reclaim the Earth and chaos reigns supreme. The reaper took the heaven sent and ended life serene."
"Your body cracks and I bathe in blood" that's my favorite line, but the chorus of Brave new hell is the best! ;)
I find gore-related lyrics in any genre of music generally boring. Very few bands have been able to narrate/talk about gory subjects and actually make it sound convincing and sadistic enough that I got a cool vibe from them. I enjoy lyrics like Cry My Name or Like Fire fine, but as soon as it starts trying to sound disgusting without purpose I get bored and sometimes annoyed. Too many bands obsess with gore and it doesn't give me any sort of chill, it just sounds cartoonish and often stupid. Bloodbath doesn't take it too far luckily but I don't read along to lyrics from songs like "buried by the dead", I find it takes away from the music by sounding childish.

I'm probably a huge minority here. haha.
You certainly are ;)

Actually, for me it depends. Cannibal corpse lyrics annoy me because they try waaaaaaaayy to hard. I really like cool gore (like bloodbath) or narratives (like Mirrorthrone and Morbid Angel).
I find gore-related lyrics in any genre of music generally boring. Very few bands have been able to narrate/talk about gory subjects and actually make it sound convincing and sadistic enough that I got a cool vibe from them. I enjoy lyrics like Cry My Name or Like Fire fine, but as soon as it starts trying to sound disgusting without purpose I get bored and sometimes annoyed. Too many bands obsess with gore and it doesn't give me any sort of chill, it just sounds cartoonish and often stupid. Bloodbath doesn't take it too far luckily but I don't read along to lyrics from songs like "buried by the dead", I find it takes away from the music by sounding childish.

I'm probably a huge minority here. haha.

I'm the pretty much the same
what about coolest bloodbath scream/growl?

edit: nah probably the one at the beginning of weak aside
I find gore-related lyrics in any genre of music generally boring. Very few bands have been able to narrate/talk about gory subjects and actually make it sound convincing and sadistic enough that I got a cool vibe from them. I enjoy lyrics like Cry My Name or Like Fire fine, but as soon as it starts trying to sound disgusting without purpose I get bored and sometimes annoyed. Too many bands obsess with gore and it doesn't give me any sort of chill, it just sounds cartoonish and often stupid. Bloodbath doesn't take it too far luckily but I don't read along to lyrics from songs like "buried by the dead", I find it takes away from the music by sounding childish.

I'm probably a huge minority here. haha.

but bloodbath has like a little story line to the lyrics, and they dont just sing random gory lyrics, thats why the lyrics are cool cuz, every song has like a story line, but yea, there are some bands that just pop gory lyrics all about the song and it just sounds dumb.
Hmmm, this is a hard one for me. Bloodbath is my favorite band and to choose a lyric is hard. The lyric in my signature from "Brave New Hell" is fucking awesome. I'd probably have to go with that. It's just so bloody powerful!
The Bathe In Blood chorus:

''i examine your death as i stab overhead
your body cracks and i bathe in blood
wallow in gore and thoughts of the dead
i condemn myself as i bathe in blood
saw your hell through a blood-flushing cell
dreams are dead as i bathe in blood
washed out the life of every cell
death exploration as i bathe in blood'':headbang:

Hope they'll played it this summer when they'll record the new dvd.
It is too hard to choose one line so I will break the rules, I suck.
Just like Delta I think the chorus of Cry My Name is awesome, dark shit.
But the lyrics on UTP might be some of the coolest stuff they have written, even though its not as gory.

This part of Weak Aside is just great...

Transcend with rage of the elite
The new order come to rise and shine
Write new history as we wipe and delete
An urge to rid this world of human waste
Weak aside

And these lines combined with Mikes greatness of articulation is just so fucking brutal...

Face is the one of a reptile
Rotting teeth and lips
Speaking words of sick salvation
Whispering eclipse

Oh and two lines that has been totally stuck in my head since i got the new EP is of course...

Mark the path in his flesh
And blast the way

Im almost sick of hearing it.