Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

Is your sister being treated any differently being pregnant and nearly ready to pop? Obviously she'd have regular doc appointments but are they doing extra tests or forcing her to hospital early or anything just in case?
It's lucky maternity wards are away from emergency wards. Although in our hospital the maternity/recovery ward (for the women who had C sections etc) is right next to the psyche ward so all new mothers hear is screaming and yelling babies or screaming and yelling psyche patients.
They tightened the restrictions once again. People are not allowed to go out of their house without a face mask (it can be improvised). My workplace will be closed for at least 5 days starting tomorrow but I don't think the numbers will get any better in five days so who knows for how long I won't come here.

Below are the stats right now. We still haven't recorded a single death (second from bottom in the table) but there is one critical case now and we're lagging about two weeks behind Italy so we will have to see in two weeks. There was 90+ new cases just yesterday which means about 1/4 of cases is new which is fucked up and not looking good.

Italy records about 350 deaths per day but they get announced at once every day at about 18:00 GMT I think so that spot is missing rn.

USA and UK are recording a big amount of new cases compared to total cases which makes me believe that those two countries will be in hell in two weeks. Also, they seem to be taking it kinda lightly from what I've seen in the media. Great Britain hasn't even closed like pubs and shit afaik (?). (For comparison, we have a similar cases/head and we did that a week ago).

Switzerland has a lot of cases but their healthcare is bomb so not many deaths and Austria is deemed like an exemplary EU nation when it comes to the restrictions and shit, I wish we'd follow those two but jesus who knows what will happen. I don't think our healthcare is ready, there's not enough beds for the kind of wave that's coming.

stats now.PNG
Governor here closed all bars restaurants and casinos last night. Most people here are assuming more closures soon. I’m expecting a work shutdown soon. Basically as soon as one of our biggest customers (Antero or Consol) pump their brakes it’s gonna send us to a crashing halt.

I went to Walmart out of necessity last night. Very few people there. Dead quiet. Most canned foods were gone. No toilet paper.
Only one skid of paper towels. Most fresh produce was rotting.
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i find it kind of weird that Russia, a country that borders China, isn't even on that list.

Russians are masters of propaganda. They claim having zero cases while at the same time running a desinformation campaign about the virus destroying western nations. Their healthcare is shit so they're at big risk but we will only know bits and pieces that come out of the country via unofficial sources.
Four drugs already commercially available now confirmed as cures.
None as yet to be confirmed as vaccines.
It's in the next county over so just a matter of time before it makes it's way into Waldo county(the county I live in) . Heading over to my parents for dinner tomorrow night and then probably might try to stay away from them for awhile considering my mom is in her early 60s and my dad is 70. Work has been pretty interesting as well, my department is out of every dried bean we have and only had 2 rices left in stock. I was supposed to get the largest order I've ever placed but UNFI(our main supplier, largest natural food supplier in the US) cancelled it because it was so large and they are having supply issues as well.
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Russians are masters of propaganda. They claim having zero cases while at the same time running a desinformation campaign about the virus destroying western nations. Their healthcare is shit so they're at big risk but we will only know bits and pieces that come out of the country via unofficial sources.
yea Russians are the best at that. But there have been about 60 or so reported cases in Russia from what i last read. That's probably far from the real number.
The funny thing is that a lot of those global health indices and whatnot put Italy towards the very top of worldwide healthcare systems. Shows how useless the social sciences are. They're a third-world country that happens to have a bit of wealth saved up over the centuries.
Things could be worse over in the west, CiG hasn't returned yet, he might have gotten trampled in the bog roll aisle

lol didn't end up going, yesterday morning I woke up with a slight headache but by 5PM-ish it was a full blown migraine and I ended up crashing and didn't really wake up until almost midnight. It's subsided somewhat by now but I can still feel it lurking in the background. Fucking sucks, I've suffered with migraines and headaches since I was a kid, spectacles curbed it a good deal but every now and then I get blasted.

Worst timing ever though.
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Honestly, I don't think you missed much.
I find it quite sad that the only time we get all four of the major supermarkets here agreeing and supporting each other it's because they had to take out a nationwide ad telling people to calm the fuck down and stop panic buying. Their plea that there is no shortage and all they need is a little bit of time to restock the shelves will fall upon deaf ears but it's the only time I ever remember competition between the supermarkets being dropped.
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