Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

With all the varied stories out there about what might happen and the need of the media to shock and outrage I'm not believing any stories are entirely accurate any more.
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People who looked at the Spanish Flu as a model called 12-24 months a while ago, so I believe it. Could reduce that timeline with rapid development and dispersal of mass testing ability and/or vaccine, but not by a lot (the 12 month side of it).
On Tuesday some one went around the neighborhood leaving a flyer at houses calling for a meeting of all men over 21 at the community park. Out of curiosity I planned my afternoon walk to coincide with the timing of the assembly. About 15-20 older white men circled around bragging about being armed and discussing the need to protect the community during this time of uncertainty. On my second lap of the park they had already fractured into two separate groups.
On the subject of farm land - I'm seeing some really beautiful local developments on my city's facebook where folks are buying direct from the farmers. We have a tri-city market that opens in May, and my household has always been fond of buying direct from them, but until then, seeing people communicate and bypass Kroger is a nice and good thing.

Still working too and fucking thankful for it. Staying away from humans otherwise.
Apparently Gary Holt is self isolating saying he has signs of the virus. He's a granddad old people have to be careful too!
My buddies in the service stationed in Indonesia have just been recalled and they told me even retired service members (eg both of their fathers) are being required to prepare for service again. I guess our government is seriously going to start enforcing the quarantines soon. I don't see anything officially announced yet though.
The death rate of this thing is still fairly low. By the time we've shut down boarders and stopped people coming into the country, and made those diagnosed positive isolate, I see little point in closing the country down. Others may disagree, but fuck them, it's every man for himself. He who dies with the most dunny rolls and the softest shirts wins!
"Why do you keep calling it the Chinese flu?"

Thank fuck he wasn't president when bird flu happened, he'd probably have offended all the birds. Same goes for that other flu from 1918 to 1920 I bet if the racist prick had been around then he'd have called that the Spanish flu.
Call me a blind patriot but wtf shame on anyone who isn't
