Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

I went shopping this morning and normality has almost returned to shoppers. Still no date roll and there is limits on things but people were almost acting normal. There was one guy at the registers on his phone telling a workmate he was sick as a dog and couldn't come to work because of aches and pains etcs. He looked pretty good but looks can be deceiving and I'm not sure if he was trying to bullshit his workmate for a day off or trying to let people around him know he'd been to the doctor and the doctor didn't tell him to isolate so he was allowed to be at the shops. Otherwise that was the most vocal I saw anyone. It was almost shocking to not see people acting like morons.
That would be a waste of a valuable resource. I'll have scavengers collecting it all

Apparently another valuable resource in this country is stupid little movies toys and t-shirt. The owner of EB games is making a plea that if things shut down EB Games should be considered an essential service and remain open.
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The owner of EB games is making a plea that if things shut down EB Games should be considered an essential service and remain open.

lmfao what a boomer faggot, you can just buy games digitally on consoles, they're worthless.

If I have to listen to black metal I'm going to find out where you live and dunny paper your house!

If you listen to black metal you're going to throw black metal albums at his house?
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lmfao what a boomer faggot, you can just buy games digitally on consoles, they're worthless.

I was hoping he said it as a joke but apparently not. I can just see people who are trapped in their house 90% of the day, heading out to get bog rolls and a stuffed Minecraft toy.

If you listen to black metal you're going to throw black metal albums at his house?

As long as I have a 4sqm exclusion zone.
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How does their government get away with saying "We're going to just let everyone 80 and older die", and then when that happens, no one seems to care? In the early 90s, a single drunk Jew drove his car into a black person (or group of blacks, can't remember) in NYC. When the NYPD arrived and treated the Jew for his injuries before the blacks, it immediately caused rioting which resulted in arson and murder. Jesse Jackson who encouraged and then celebrated the vengeance on "hymie town" remains a well-reputed black leader in the general American political sphere. Somewhat similar analogies could be made regarding McVeigh's attack on the FBI, Dorner's attack on the LAPD, etcetc. But I guess Italians hate old people even more than jaded zoomer cashiers with six-figure student debt? It just seems so fucking weird that law and order is maintained. I mean, the French, for all their fuck ups and horrible immigration policy at least took to the streets en masse and began rioting over a gasoline tax. The Italians were basically the earliest progenitors of populist uprisings from Catiline to Mussolini yet this is what they've become now? I'm not even morally opposed to the existence of "death panels" for public health services (provided private alternatives exist), but for how much the world seems to be imploding right now, I'm really disappointed that the Italians aren't starting the fire. I guess it really is the fluoride in the water.
So there's a new rule that stores with food and pharmacies are only open for boomers from 7 to 9 am and then millenials and genzers can buy stuff. I wonder what they come up with next, I don't really see a point in this measure but ok, weird flex, but ok.
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So there's a new rule that stores with food and pharmacies are only open for boomers from 7 to 9 am and then millenials and genzers can buy stuff. I wonder what they come up with next, I don't really see a point in this measure but ok, weird flex, but ok.

It's just boomers swinging their giant saggy balls around to assert a stance of dominance over the young, as usual.
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