Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members
While New Zealand’s borders close, the United Kingdom’s approach to Covid-19 has scientists horrified.

A strategy of herd immunity, coupled with isolation for vulnerable people, has been touted by the UK's chief scientific advisor and the health minister.
Vallance estimated around 60 percent of the UK’s population - roughly 40 million people - would need to catch the disease to achieve herd immunity.
Curious if they'll actually forge ahead with that...
Apparently Boris has backtracked and is now asking for large gatherings to stop. A shame, we might have struck a severe blow to the perfidious Anglo right at their heart. It's not an English century if a few million people don't die needlessly of famine or pestilence.
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My uni is basically shut down for students but I'm a sorta-post-doc and still working. My advisor just emailed me to say that the whole campus may completely shut down soon, so I'm cramming out a few experiments for a paper before then. If things close completely I'm kind of looking forward to it tbh, last time I had more than two weeks off from any work or school responsibilities was like 9th grade. The pantry/freezer situation could be better, but it's doable, and it's a good thing I like refried beans.
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No one seems sure at this stage. Some news sites are saying it is, some aren't connecting it. At best it's poor reporting, but at the same time being stabbed for collecting trolleys is nearly as bad as being stabbed for selling bog rolls.
One comment I read was "it happened in Mornington, that's one thong up from Frankston". So yeah who knows what the story is. There has been a Woolies staff member hurt in store, but it definitely wasn't a stabbing.
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American's are reading that now wondering what someone has their g-string up.
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that last part was probably bullshit, you cant just "buy guns" in Los Angeles. Its one of the hardest counties in this country for people to get guns. And if its true, the ones who can get guns are going to be waiting for a good while.

EDIT: looks like i was wrong about it being bullshit. Not a bad decision anyway ... stocking up on guns and bullets is one of the smarter things to do .. especially if shit really hits the fan.
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