So, NYC Department of Education public schools are closed and will be closed until April 20th, announced Mayor De Blasio.
Honestly, I'm grateful. Even if I'm healthy enough to fight off this virus, I live with my mom who's 70 years old and I don't want to bring nothing to her to get her sick. Additionally, on Friday I taught only to 6 kids. 4 kids in one class, and 2 kids in the other. Parents are already pulling their kids out of school anyways. I also teach middle school, so the childcare thing isn't really an issue. However, theres over 1,000 kids at my school with over 300 staff members. A lot of the staff come from Westchester areas like New Rochelle, which a portion has been quarantined by the virus. It just doesn't make sense to keep schools opened. There are kids with immunocompromised diseases too. I suppose because I work with Special Education kids, I run into these kids a lot since they're in my classes (i'm talking about cystic fibrosis, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, heart issues, thyroid issues, etc) but in this day and age childhood obesity has exposed a lot of our children to diseases like diabetes and stuff too.
I'd honestly be willing to hand out food to kids who are in need or even volunteer my time for child care services for health professions who need it, if the right protective gear and precaution was given. I'm not willing to go about like nothing's happening when theres over 329 people in NYC with the virus and everything is "business as usual." At the end of the day teachers and school staff have families too. We have health issues too. So, that whole school shouldn't be closed is ridiculous and is often a sentiment reiterated by those who don't work in the school system and see how close and tight are classrooms are.
Right now a contingency plan should be in the making to assist children who need to eat and rely on the school for food (which HELLO that's a fucking problem) and to assist those who need day care. I will tell you though, this isn't the majority as kids have been pulled out from Friday. There are teachers willing to assist and help where we can. Also, starting next week, I'll be doing remote classes VIA google classroom. We'll see how that goes.
Stay safe everyone!