Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

By the sound of it this guy wouldn't pay for anything, he expects people to pay him for being so clever. So unless he could make his own website he's not getting one.
At least if people practised number three they wouldn't be worried about getting coronavirus on their hands.
Governor of Nevada closed all K-12 schools through April 13 so I have the next month off from work. I bought tickets to see Foo Fighters in Phoenix and I expect that show to be cancelled.
The situation as of now. It's going up.

corona 16 3 20.PNG

I consider Italy a model case of fucking up initially (their first sick was a doctor who they didn't put under quarantine). Also they're approximately 14 days ahead of Czechia, and this is their death graph. It's not looking good. Almost 300 dead just yesterday and it's not coming down.


I believe that Czech adapted more precautions quicker based on this, we already closed borders, free movement outside is forbidden with some exceptions like work and necessary trips for food, they closed borders completely, they quarantined several towns, services are closed, Uber and Bolt is banned for the time being, it's quite strict and I think it was adapted quite early. Who knows.
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It appears there is two strains of the virus, one more deadly than the other. Also appears that a HIV drug is showing positive signs for killing it.

I'd quote sources but fuck it it's dinner time.
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It appears there is two strains of the virus, one more deadly than the other. Also appears that a HIV drug is showing positive signs for killing it.

I'd quote sources but fuck it it's dinner time.

Peter Watts's blog is by no means an authoritative source, but he's a bio PhD who actually bothers to cite his own offerings, so it's better than nothing. He also includes a link to the very helpful Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Dashboard.

(for those who don't know, Watts is an ex-scientist/current sci-fi writer who's been predicting a global pandemic for years now, but admits to being off the mark re. COVID-19)

Yes, the prevalence of asymptomatic carriers increases the infection rate—but that’s a higher infection rate for a much more benign strain of the disease. (There are, so far, at least two strains of COVID-19, the younger and more virulent “L-Type” being responsible for most of the symptomatic cases. But L is already waning—probably because of active control measures— leaving the more benign “S-Type” to outcompete it in the wild). Once the dust clears and asymptomatic cases are fully accounted for, I’d be surprised if this bug racks up a mortality rate much higher than 1%—which, by comforting coincidence, is in the same ballpark as the 0.6% South Korea reported after daily testing thousands of their own citizens, symptomatic or not.

I suppose it’s possible that things are far worse than anyone’s letting on. I’ve heard one third-hand “inside information” rumor from virology circles that China may have been dealing with around fifty thousand new cases per day, back during COVID’s halcyon days in that country. Which would at least explain why they’ve been frantically building so many hospitals from the ground up to fight a bug with a measly 2% kill rate (and which leaves anyone under 60 pretty much unscathed). Still: if that were the case, you’d think we’d be seeing higher transmission rates in other parts of the world by now.

So most likely we’re faced with a far less-devastating disease than the one I was hitching my talks to. And yet, the social impacts have been just as catastrophic. A measly one percent mortality rate and entire countries get locked down.

But let us not forget the up sides. Carbon emissions can’t help but decline around the world (apparently China’s have already dropped by 25%). Surely, the sudden monkey-wrench thrown into all those international conferences should provoke massive investment in telepresence tech (right here in Toronto, the Collisions tech conference was canceled in real space but resurrected in virtual); hopefully that will lead to a persistent increase in online conferences and reduced air travel moving into the future. China’s just banned the eating of wild animals. Toilet paper manufacturers have never had a better year. Hell, given the imminent shit-kicking US medical infrastructure is in for—not to mention the inevitable political fallout—COVID-19 might even be enough to dislodge Trump from the buttocks of the western world. (It’s got a better shot than Biden in that regard, if you ask me.) All thanks to a bug which is turning out to be way more candy-ass than the one I’d been expecting.

Still, this isn't the endgame...

This isn’t a single big-name stadium concert after all, and COVID-19 isn’t the Main Act. This is a festival: an epidemiological Woodstock with no expiration date. COVID—like SARS and MERS and the various flus before it— is only the beginning. And if history is any judge, future acts will come increasingly thick and fast.

Brace yourselves. You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Almost four centuries of The Big Picture, ending in 2016. See a trend, maybe?
I'm no longer allowed to use public transport in Prague without a face mask. The next possible restriction that comes to mind is demanding a face mask everywhere outside. With the speed the new restrictions are kicking in, this might be tomorrow or in two days. They're trying to do fucking everything they can. :yow:
For US members - if you didnt know - presidential address at 3 today. Hoping it isn't more restrictions...
Rumour is that the drug showing promise in QLD is an old drug out of trademark so very cheap to get out there and only has a few side effects.. The company is apparently trying to authorisation to test but with the states going their own way and some of them ignoring the federal directives this country could fuck itself inside out before it gets better.
There is also a news story, not sure if it's true, that while Tom Hanks was in isolation in a QLD hospital someone sent him a volleyball.
Tom's also just been released from said hospital after 10 days worth of treatment.
I figured My Sharona was going to be bastardised by a hundred different people by now, but once again humanity has let me down.