Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

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Dunny rolls $500 each
Hand Sanitiser $100 a bottle
Water not worth buying. For some reason bottled water is not something any of my local stores are out of.

I keep reading that these bog roll hoarders are doing so not because they think the virus makes you shit but because we'll be trapped in our houses with nothing to wipe our arse on. Yet if we are all trapped no bastard is at work, therefore the water system, the power system and the sewage systems will all stop working. I'll shit in the back yard. I'll run my fridge off solar, but I can't make water (at least I don't think I can).

Fuck it I'm off to the shops to buy all the water and when the dunny roll hoarders realise their fuck up and want my water I'll pour it on the ground in front of them!
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Not too worried about water. I have a filter and a purifier and if those fail it's pretty easy to boil creek water from nearby. This is why panic hoarders are shitcunts and aren't similar to preppers at all, although understandably many live in suburbs and inner cities so options become fewer in terms of natural resources.
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Us slow old country folk have very few issues, we've got wildlife close by, we've got water close by, a bit of sun for the power, and we already are at a very low risk because of the smaller groups of people for the bugs to travel in. Thank fuck the city people haven't worked that out yet or they'd be bringing their truckloads of hoarded shit rag down here to hide.
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OH NO!!!! That's beyond unfair! But it could explain why the guy went off the rails. Maybe he was the first victim, he got it early and no one realised it.
I reckon I'll smell him before he gets too close.
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Yet if we are all trapped no bastard is at work, therefore the water system, the power system and the sewage systems will all stop working.
I've worked in the water/sewer maintenance industry and they were always pretty good at handling emergency/storm-type situations that most people were avoiding. They'd probably relish the chance to fix a burst water main in a completely empty street without the public getting in the way.
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Our water guys only know how to work in streets at busy times like school times or knock off times. They never fix anything in the middle of the day and they never come back and fill in their holes.

My wife has to go through some disaster thing at work. If their office has to shut down half a dozen people have to grab their 'disaster box', get to the station, they aren't allowed to go in a car, they need to get a train which only runs once an hour, travel for 2 hours to get to the city. Then once in the city they need to get to the city office and resume work. In the time it takes them to get to the city hopefully the IT crew have electronically transferred everything to the city office so they can keep working.