Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

That eases my concern a little bit, at least. I'm just worried about not trying to starve. I have better alternatives if I can't come across TP
That eases my concern a little bit, at least. I'm just worried about not trying to starve. I have better alternatives if I can't come across TP

You've been reading this again haven't you

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It's not in the video but apparently the woman was pissed off at waiting for so long so she coughed in the face of a flight attendant to get removed from the plane.

I only own the Korn and LB CD because they were handmedowns from my brother.

I've owned about all of these albums at least once, except the Papa Roach and Linkin Park.
Water, TP and basic essentials like rice, beans, and canned goods were gone or nearly gone on my trip to the store tonight. The school district cancelled/suspended all after schools sports and activities. I anticipate an announcement about cancelling school tomorrow. The rumor going round is that we are going to use Google classroom the rest of the year, but I don't see how that will work for all the poor students with no way to complete the work from home, Shit, over 70% of the students rely on the school for free breakfast and lunch. Vegas' economy is going to take a big hit.
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Michigan is closing all schools in the state starting Monday, and there's been a confirmed case a few cities over from me. Breaking news kind of deal. I'll be sure to snap a pic of my phlegm if I get it I got you bros.

Feeling real bad for all my parent friends right now, school is basically daycare for them.

Feeling real bad for myself right now, I'm never gonna get any fucking toilet paper.
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