Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

Bars must now close at 20:00 so people are going to start daydrinking. Fuck yoah.- I have a meeting with an old friend at egging 15:00
Is that because social gatherings at night are more dangerous than day time gatherings or because the later it gets and the more people drink the more likely everyone is too kiss and lick each other?
Is that because social gatherings at night are more dangerous than day time gatherings or because the later it gets and the more people drink the more likely everyone is too kiss and lick each other?

Probably both.

Well they probably assume they can't close restaurants because working people wouldn't have anywhere to get lunch but at night people just drink and socialize which is unnecessary.

The bars that I go to have to stay open to survive so they will open sooner and close at 20:00. They only serve beers but hey, it's the only income of calories for some.
Not sure if it's true but I read before that our PM has banned gatherings of more than 500 people. It's a big call if he did do it and great timing several hours after the FIA cancelled the Grand Prix.
Not sure if it's true but I read before that our PM has banned gatherings of more than 500 people. It's a big call if he did do it and great timing several hours after the FIA cancelled the Grand Prix.

Hm we went <100 first but now it's <30.
Realistically we are at less of a threat here in Australia so while it does appear we are moving slow there is reason. But things will move forward eventually. The school told us today that that have no intention of shutting down until the Chief Health Officer demands it and at this stage that's very unlikely.
We have an air base about 5 miles away so I see crazy ass aircraft all the time. It's p cool. They do a public show every few years where they bust out the fancy stuff with the fancy moves, and damned if I don't tear up when I'm standing in one of the historical hangars with photos of genuine American heroes plastered on the walls, pieces of their life's work lining dozens of tables.

The sound of freedom.

In my area the major stores have been cleaned out of TP and rice for a few days now. Had some people mention critically ill victims with diarrhea, but if you're that ill you'll be in the hospital (even if simply in a hospital hallway), and it's likely the result of a cytokine storm, and with the nature of the virus and other complications you're probably about to die.

This virus is the real deal based on early papers being published and medical staff anecdotes. You either recover relatively quickly with only normal flu-like symptoms or you don't and there's a good chance you die of heart failure/respiratory failure as complications, rather than because of the flu itself. The US doesn't have the capacity (both in beds and latent manufacturing capacity) to handle a whole bunch of critical cases so better be working on that immune system and avoiding people.
Realistically we are at less of a threat here in Australia so while it does appear we are moving slow there is reason. But things will move forward eventually. The school told us today that that have no intention of shutting down until the Chief Health Officer demands it and at this stage that's very unlikely.

Shutting down schools doesn't make much sense with Coronavirus.
Shutting down schools doesn't make much sense with Coronavirus.

No, and that's why they are constantly sending updates out to schools with information about what stages they are at in the local communities. Like businesses if someone in the school contracts the bug they will look at how the quarantine will be managed but they wont shut all the schools in one area just because it's discovered at one school. The problem is that schools (government ones at least) need to follow the CHO's words to the letter, but some of those parents who hoard bog roll still think they know better and are keeping their kids from schools voluntarily.
No, and that's why they are constantly sending updates out to schools with information about what stages they are at in the local communities. Like businesses if someone in the school contracts the bug they will look at how the quarantine will be managed but they wont shut all the schools in one area just because it's discovered at one school. The problem is that schools (government ones at least) need to follow the CHO's words to the letter, but some of those parents who hoard bog roll still think they know better and are keeping their kids from schools voluntarily.

The silver lining of this virus is that children are the least affected. In China only 2% of all cases were under 19 years old. Shutting down schools would only overburden adults who rely on school to free them up for work. At least here in Australia we have better options to take paid time off, I can only imagine how fucked it will be if they shut down schools en masse in a place like the US.
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Yeah I feel really bad for the parents in my area. They dont know wtf to do. Daycare is pretty expensive too, and likely gonna be at capacity.
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The silver lining of this virus is that children are the least affected. In China only 2% of all cases were under 19 years old. Shutting down schools would only overburden adults who rely on school to free them up for work. At least here in Australia we have better options to take paid time off, I can only imagine how fucked it will be if they shut down schools en masse in a place like the US.

The problem will be if the adults get sick there will be no one to 'supervise' the kids at school. A lot of schools here were already struggling to get emergency teachers before Coronavirus, that wont have changed now. But I still think we are a long way from that.

My kids school is pretty good with the way they are handling this and they already do so much for the parents who need help. They will obvious follow what the government tell them to do but as yet there is no panic stations and the only thing that's changed is the kids are reminded to wash their hands a few times a day.
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