Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

Alright guys, I swore this place off all year but I figure you ugly fucks gonna be the only ones left to rebuild civilization at the end. I've lurked during the last 3 months and the place has been a goddamn groundhog day until coronachan saved the day. Someone got something more interesting than a bad survey on beer to contribute?
Over here a Vodafone shop had a staff member test positive so the whole store shut down and opened up a week or so later with a whole new staff while the originals were all being tested. This is effectively the major problem with businesses, one person gets it and everything has to grind to a halt. It's economically very brutal to deal with.

Just the threat of closure is a major disruption for many industries right now. Producers having to shut down and not able to make the product, trucking industries potentially shutting down and not being able to deliver the goods. None of this is definite and in most cases doesn't even need to be a threat, but the media throw it out there and make it sound as dire as fuck and the sheep all get spooked. Yet the fucking shops are full of people, the car parks are full and people are everywhere. If the bug is going to spread it's not going to spread through business, it's going to spread through public places an businesses will be the ones to suffer.
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I wanted to watch the Supercars races on TV this weekend, but the Australian Grand Prix just got canned after one day as an F1 crew member tested positive and their team started packing up.

It is dire as fuck for the economy at least - when things like massive cruise ships are sitting empty, someone's taking a hit in the pocket.
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Yeah all of Princess Cruises have been stopped until May 11, not sure how many other companies are effected but having that many ships sit idle is fucking expensive.

Not overly worried about the GP, I wish they'd give it back to Adelaide. However they really should have made a decision before now. They are pre-empting everything else, with teams and tourists coming from all over the world they should have said no to the GP before it got to the stage it has. But Victoria is too shit scared to say anything against the GP. Although If someone down at the track has got Coronavius I hope they go and give it to Mark Skaife and then take out the entire taxi racing industry.
We do a lot of business with aerospace - we sell certified metal along Boeing's supply chain - and I'll be reporting back on the whole ghost planes situation when I get a chance to talk to one of our head honchos about it. For those who don't know, basically planes are running essentially empty flights to keep their travel slots, in the travel sector you bid on and maintain activity in your paths or lose access to them. They always have done this, but it's real bad right now.
Speaking of planes
During work, I've watched a military plane circle the surrounding area for hours; at least 5 of the 10 hours I've worked. It was honestly kind of astonishing and made me scared a bit, whether it means anything or not.
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The smaller aviation sector here is pretty screwed too. One of the busiest small aircraft airports in the southern hemisphere here has staff turning up to do nothing but keep the place clean because they have so few charter flights.

Speaking of planes
During work, I've watched a military plane circle the surrounding area for hours; at least 5 of the 10 hours I've worked. It was honestly kind of astonishing and made me scared a bit, whether it means anything or not.

I've been watching our Air Force Stunt team lately, they practice over my house most days.
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However they really should have made a decision before now. They are pre-empting everything else, with teams and tourists coming from all over the world they should have said no to the GP before it got to the stage it has.
Well, before 1000s of fans were standing at the closed gates this morning at least. I think it's ok they gave it a chance rather than just panic-cancelling when all the equipment was probably already en route anyway. Concerts and music festivals are a different story because much of the crowd usually has no choice but to pack in like sardines.

My parents just flew to Melbourne for a holiday this week, lol. Bet they packed some loo paper.
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We have an air base about 5 miles away so I see crazy ass aircraft all the time. It's p cool. They do a public show every few years where they bust out the fancy stuff with the fancy moves, and damned if I don't tear up when I'm standing in one of the historical hangars with photos of genuine American heroes plastered on the walls, pieces of their life's work lining dozens of tables.
Well, before 1000s of fans were standing at the closed gates this morning at least. I think it's ok they gave it a chance rather than just panic-cancelling when all the equipment was probably already en route anyway. Concerts and music festivals are a different story because much of the crowd usually has no choice but to pack in like sardines.

My parents just flew to Melbourne for a holiday this week, lol. Bet they packed some loo paper.

I agree, I'm not one to be alarmed and go into hibernation but such a big event really should have been looked at before it got to today. Ferrari were at fear of not coming and our government gave them special compensation to not pass the same health checks everyone else had to just so they could get the team in. It was stupid to say we'll give one team a special rule, then get everyone including the tourists here and close the gate.

My parents headed off on a road trip for a week or so today. Dad refused to take the trailer, I wanted him to visit every supermarket and just keep buying dunny rolls until he had a trailer full.
Im not sure of any aircraft bases around here in Chattanooga. I know the airport aint far from us but still. It was interesting to see, it was flying pretty low.

Our Roulettes never used to practice over here, they were based about 30 mins away but there was plenty of open space. It's only since they upgraded their jets that they do it over here now. I was hoping they'd start caring live ordnance and do it over the bombing range and then we could have aerial acrobatics and bombing raids all at the same time.
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Ohio health official estimates 100,000 people in state have coronavirus.
Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton said at a press conference alongside Gov. Mike DeWine (R) that given that the virus is spreading in the community in Ohio, she estimates at least 1 percent of the population in the state has the virus.

"We know now, just the fact of community spread, says that at least 1 percent, at the very least, 1 percent of our population is carrying this virus in Ohio today," Acton said. "We have 11.7 million people. So the math is over 100,000. So that just gives you a sense of how this virus spreads and is spreading quickly."


Was pretty nonchalant about this whole epidemic thing, but now I'm starting to find mild concern. Not for myself, but rather the actions of people around me. People resorting to flushing out resources so its hard to come by. Was planning on getting groceries tomorrow but I'm unsure how well thats gonna go. Besides the whole bunghole paper shortage, has anyone else seen a shortage in trying to buy food, dish soap, etc?
In this country it's non perishable stuff like baked beans, pasta, rice, long life milk, flour etc. Prices of fruit and vegies have sky rocketed but in general no one is going to starve because of what is not on the shelf. Even things like tissues and for those who need them baby wipes etc are starting to come back into stock. But the problem of over buying is still there. Our stores have limited dunny rolls to 1 packet per person, but there are still people seeing other buy two packets of rice and they automatically think they too need to buy rice, even if they don't eat it.
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I went to Wallyworld last night and didn't have issues finding any ordinary foods, but even though I went there for the explicit purpose of buying TP because I've already been a bit low for a while, I totally forgot to. I did buy a bunch of paper towels about three weeks ago though, so if worst comes to worst I guess I'll have to live like a third-worlder for a little while and throw my shitty papers into a trash can.

EDIT: I didn't buy rice or beans (because I already have a few giant bags from Costco) but I saw them strolling through the aisles. But burgerland isn't as remote as Australia so I dunno if that even means anything.
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