Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

They closed schools here and banned events of >100 peeps.

So how many UMers are dying?
Technically all of them but at different rates.

We've had a few festivals cancelled some through fear of illness, some bad management but the biggest disaster we are facing is that Milley Cyrus cancelled her tour.
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I'm debating whether to book a flight to Europe while they're still cheap. I'm optimistic about my employer approving my April-May sabbatical, so May's a good time to go assuming the virus is on the wane by then. Might end up a big waste of money if much of Europe's still on lockdown though. Hmm...
If the place is on lock down think of all the places you can go that wont be crowded.
Row boat and...
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Unless my plane's not allowed to land, or the local police order me to stay in my hotel the whole time...

Yeah if the measures get tougher they might measure your temperature at the airport and order you to stay in quarantine or something, I don't know what the restrictions will be. So far I think you could get here (i.e. Czech) no problem. Milan would be a problem, north of Italy is completely closed I think.

I'm scheduled to travel to England in the beginning of June so hopefully all the containment measures are lifted by then, looking at the infection curves of China the spread should definitely be on decline in two months.
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All the universities in my area are shut down until further notice and at least one large local store (Sam's Club) is out of toilet paper. Unbelievable. Not like the fact China was supplying so much of it and was on house arrest for a month fucking helps matters. So we have limited supplies, idiot hoarders, and fear mongers all working in unison to fuck up my day. Affecting my work too, although thankfully they've been back in the office over there for a week or two now.

That being said I am leaning conspiracy theorist on all this pretty hard. We impose new tariff restrictions with China, lo and behold, killer virus! All your cheap shit is suddenly at a standstill! Also, elections are coming up!
I'm starting to believe something along the lines of a cover up but I'm not sure. Any time this type of epidemic happens its usually something to cover up something to do with major corporations or government actions.
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You could have a point. All those bushfires we had a few months ago were apparently started by greens activists trying to point out how little the government is doing toward climate change. But then they were also started by the government (on the sly of course) with lasers from space to make way for the fast rail link between Melbourne and Brisbane. Burning the land and scaring people away makes it easier to compulsory acquire it when the time is right.
Of course it's true, the internet said so. Murdoch papers even reported on the greens doing it and not on the government lasers doing it. How much more proof do you need?
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