Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

Buy some heavy dumbbells from or they still deliver dude
Last night when the news first broke I watched an Aussie social media site go from "hope he fucking dies" and "he's too fat to fight it" to "he's an intelligent politician and we shouldn't wish death upon him" in a flat three minutes as people first flew off their rockers then realised that what they were saying, no matter who the person was, made them look like inconsiderate dicks.
I don't even think we've got a left and right in Australia at the moment. Everyone hates everyone else and no one knows how to run the country like social media. I see a few one sided political comments but most people are just united in hating everything Australia is doing and therefore hating any other leader not doing what they claim is right as well. People are flying off the handle in rage at all sorts of minor things only to calm down then fly off the handle at something else minor.