Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members


Everyone in Ontario got this emergency alert today, as yesterday it was brought into law that returning travelers are to isolate for two weeks. I wonder if it applies to the retard I spoke of earlier, that got back from overseas 9 days ago and has been refusing to isolate — I spotted him remotely through Pokemon Go in a nearby gym tonight (didnt get to see him in person as I was at work). Regrettably I don't think I can use "I spotted his account in a gym" as legal proof to report him.

His behavior/arrogance about the COVID shit bothers and unsettles me greatly. Advice?
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Aside from your work, stay at home and encourage every customer to talk to to stay at home. Wear a mask, gloves, etc. Scare the fuck out them if you have to.

If the corona that isn't extra comes for me, I'm screwed, because I've only drank PBR, off-brand Titos, shitty Scotch, and Sailor Jerry for the past 3 weeks now. I'm fucked.

Fuck you Ozzman. Hope you eat shit.
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I love the Worldometers metrics and never noticed the 'date of first case' column. Funny seeing USA sandwiched in the middle of several Asian countries. Gee wonder if we're too dependent on interaction with those guys?

It echoes another recent issue - sparring between Michigan's governor and the president. She's bitching he's not giving her enough assistance, he's bitching she's not doing enough with what she's getting. Overall Trump is and always has been very focused on strong independent sectors - both within the country via states, and within the world via a more national, rather than global economy. So it doesn't surprise me that he'd scoff at someone who clearly had no preparation whatsoever for this particular state, and now expects the federal government to shoulder 80% of the responsibility when there are so many other states in this country who require one helping hand instead of two.

My mom calls her "that fucking cunt Bitchmer". And I just hope Michigan, where I was born and raised and have zero intentions of ever leaving, will survive this when the economy comes back up. Getting the big 3 involved with ventilator production will certainly help as they suddenly become critical manufacturers again.
What makes you think lockdown is going to stop people if they aren't already following the rules?
Although I have to say apart from a few small pockets of people the media manage to find the vast majority of the country do seem to be adhering to local rules.
We've got rules and fines, NSW and QLD have rules and fines.
Return travellers who were recorded and put in isolation in their own home were told not to leave, yet some were found out in the streets by the police enforcing the rules. ADF now monitor many people, they are unable to fine or arrest, but they work with the police to make sure people don't break the rules. Obviously they aren't lock down rules but they are restrictive in what people can do, where they can go and how they can do things. These rules have been on for more than a week in some places and the majority of people adhere to them. Yet a very small minority of people still chose to break them. If they are breaking these rules that already have the possibility of fines they aren't going to stick to stricter rules, they'll just find ways to get around them, but it is a minority.
Is your point that rules and laws are never followed by 100% of the population? Not sure you needed a block of text to state such an obvious thing. :lol:
I give you an example of why I don't necessarily agree with total lockdown and it's too much to read, fair enough.
I give you an example of why I don't necessarily agree with total lockdown and it's too much to read, fair enough.


I don't find the idea that people already ignoring rules and laws render said laws redundant or ineffective to be convincing. There's no way to truly know how many people are discouraged from certain actions because of rules and laws.

By contrast I personally believe there is validity in social shaming and discouragement via rules and laws. One of the few rules we do have over here is mandatory quarantine if you're infected or had contact with the infected, and a woman had made such a contact and refused to quarantine herself so she was arrested and forced to do so. Without rules or laws for such a situation she would be frolicking the streets infecting people.
Very few in this country understand what total lockdown means. Thankfully the government and the medical experts do and that is why they are using it as a last resort, not a first resort
Seems unrelated to anything I said, but if by "total lockdown" you mean what they did in Wuhan then I think that won't happen here. However I do think the government should go further than just regional travel restrictions and restrict it by shires, districts or cities (anything that contains multiple individual residential areas) if it gets much worse (it very likely will by May).
Those sort of area restrictions may work in the cities and the suburbs however they become very hard to maintain in some country areas. They essentially need rules for one area and not for another, which might be achievable but it still creates two separate groups.
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I think country areas are naturally isolated enough as it is that this would work if put into practice. Roadblocks and so on would be useful to determine who is leaving for legitimate reasons and who isn't etc. I hope it doesn't come to that but if it does the state cannot hesitate.
How do we man all the roadblocks. If any of my family needs to go to the family doc he's two towns away, feasible two check points. I could pick 15 different ways to get there and the usual route I'd chose is an old logging track because it's shorter and less traffic. Blocking roads would take an awful lot of man power that I don't think any state has.