Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

Hahah, this hoe is nice, tho. What nationality was she? Looks cool. How do you record these videos, btw? Do you ask for their consent? :rofl:
She’s Hungarian yea she was hot and a bit goofy she kept laughing at my buttlicking and lol what is this “consent” ;p

Day 6 since I decided I probably had covid and got tested...

I'm basically fine. Nothing ever got worse than a dry sore throat and a wimpy fever of like 99. Drank a bunch of water, took some multivitamins everyday and a pack of airborne. Wife's about the same. Daughter has marched thru totally unaffected so far.

Aug's a fuckin cockroach just like Blurry. Aint a fuckin surprise that shit cant affect them.
Luckily I haven't gotten it yet, but I've seen a weird mix of how it affects people. I hired a 23 yo woman who was in the best shape of anyone I knew in 2020 - she got it and it completely obliterated her. She missed almost a month of work and had lingering issues for long after. No underlying illnesses either. Then, a friend's dad with a bunch of different health issues, obese etc got it and was completely unaffected.

Are most of you vaccinated or most not? I've had my 3 shots.
I've had 3 shots. A respiratory illness fucked my already messed up sinus in 2019. At one point I coughed so hard hocking the mucus out that I believe I cracked a rib... in the middle of a 4.5 hr drive and 2 days before I walked up a volcano. I reckon it'd be quite pleasant to face something I'm vaccinated against for a change. Our immune systems are surprisingly complex and the booster makes a bigger difference than doubters would think.

I needed to get them anyway if I wanted a hope in hell of international travel to finally meet my niece born in Australia during the 1st lockdown.
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all of my F-2-F friends have had COVID-19

and today it suddenly seemed weird-as-fuck that EVERY SINGLE FUCKING PERSON that i've F-2-F talked to that has had COVID-19, they WERE ALL "asymptomatic carriers"

like, seriously, no-joke, ALL OF THEM

When I got my booster the usually very mild occasional psoriasis I get absolutely exploded and has never went away to this day.

i went to my dermatologist and that’s the first thing she asked me, if I got the booster and when I noticed the damn spots.

I’ll be passing on further boosters since they made me look like a damn meth head for a couple weeks until I got it under control
I've never seen a health crisis so fucking prolonged before. The public's patience was so tested that I wonder how many pro-vaccine pro-lockdown pro-booster pro-mask people ended up completely flipped by now to the other side.
We might have had it a couple weeks ago. We're unvaccinated. Few days of fever and crappy body aches but that's it. Kids were fine after a day. Not really sure if it was covid or flu. I was leaning towards thinking it's flu. Same back in May when we had a respiratory infection - could've been covid or a cold. Don't know but it wasn't bad. We've just been living normal life and I don't pay attention to the "numbers" or any news about it and haven't for a long time.
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Haven't been vaccinated and haven't gotten sick. Same goes for just about everyone else i know who hasnt gotten the jab. I guess thats the punishment we get for not being a part of the herd.
you're prolly an asymptomatic carrier
you've prolly had covid multiple times by now and didn't even realize it
Finally got the covid. It took 4 days for things to get shitty & return a positive test, but most of the shittiness was it exacerbating my usual sinus problem - horrendous post-nasal drip. A couple of days of fever and aches and needing to crap a bunch of times despite not eating much. Exciting stuff.
Welp. My Dad got the bivalent Pfizer vaccine and had an eye stroke 10 days later. My uncle's heard of 2 more people who had the same thing happen. In one of those cases (edit: which turned out to be optic neuritis and not an eye stroke) the eye damage took 4 months to clear up, which is a hell of a lot better than not at all.

I guess there's a crossover point where the thing itself truly is no longer as bad as the potential consequences of trying to protect from the thing (as opposed to the covid deniers claiming it was always the case). Same applies to the most vulnerable people still wanting everyone to wear masks. Wearing masks isn't fun, so people stay home instead of spending money, businesses close and hospitality workers get laid off etc...
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