Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

Chinese markets are still selling bats and slaughtering rabbits on blood-soaked floors as Beijing celebrates 'victory' over the coronavirus.
'Everyone here believes the outbreak is over and there's nothing to worry about any more. It's just a foreign problem now as far as they are concerned,' said one of the China-based correspondents who captured these images for The Mail on Sunday.

The correspondent who visited Dongguan said: 'The markets have gone back to operating in exactly the same way as they did before coronavirus.

'The only difference is that security guards try to stop anyone taking pictures which would never have happened before.'

Egg on my face if this is fake news.
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They have been suggesting the wet markets have been back running for a few days now so I doubt it's fake. Although I'm sure they could have gotten a little more sensationalistic with that headline if they'd tried.
It's all dem ladies parts wot caused it.

Anti-parasitic drug kills COVID-19 in lab.
An anti-parasitic drug available throughout the world has been found to kill COVID-19 in the lab within 48 hours.

A Monash University-led study has shown a single dose of the drug Ivermectin could stop the SARS-CoV-2 virus growing in cell culture.

"We found that even a single dose could essentially remove all viral RNA (effectively removed all genetic material of the virus) by 48 hours and that even at 24 hours there was a really significant reduction in it," Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute's Dr Kylie Wagstaff said on Friday.

While it's not known how Ivermectin works on the virus, the drug likely stops the virus dampening the host cells' ability to clear it.
The next step is for scientists to determine the correct human dosage, to make sure the level used in vitro is safe for humans.

Before Ivermectin can be used to combat coronavirus, funding is needed to get it to pre-clinical testing and clinical trials.

Ivermectin is an FDA-approved anti-parasitic drug also shown to be effective in vitro against viruses including HIV, dengue and influenza.

The study is the joint work of Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute and the Peter Doherty Institute of Infection and Immunity.

The study findings have been published in Antiviral Research.
University of Sydney modelling shows Australia’s infection peak should reach between 8,000 and 10,000 cases in April.

And if nine in 10 Australians comply with social distancing rules, the spread of COVID-19 could be controlled by July, University Sydney Professor Mikhail Prokopenko predicts.

If Australia had taken no action, half the population would have caught COVID-19 and the outbreak would not peak until mid-May.

The forecast comes as pandemic experts are challenging the claim Australians will have to remain in lockdown for at least six months to control COVID-19, with some saying restrictions could be eased within weeks.

There were 5350 confirmed cases in Australia early this morning local time, with around 650 recovered, as at Friday night.

NSW is the worst hit with 2389 cases and about 650 people recovered.

Australia’s death toll from the virus now stands at 28 (12 in NSW, seven in Vic, three in Qld, three in WA, two in Tas, one in ACT).
I've moved back to my hometown for the time being and am working remotely. I'm in an area with pretty low population density. I go outside once a day to get some exercise. I ride a bike and do various bodyweight exercises. A little stressed about not being able to go to the gym! I'm also starting to think I should have my groceries delivered instead of going to the store and walking around where people are not keeping their distance!

I recognize the need to do some serious social distancing for a while, but I am really getting irritated with all the virtue signalling, bad moral reasoning, and power grabs going on right now. The trade-off we're making right now is not between grandma's life and some abstract thing we call the economy, but between grandma's life and people's ability to put food on the table, to live decently flourishing lives for the foreseeable future, and some of the very important rights and freedoms we enjoy here in the US (and it should go without saying that these things can also easily be a matter of life and death). Moreover, we already tolerate a non-trivial amount of risk to people's lives in order for society to function normally anyway. So when people reduce economic and political concerns over this whole thing to simply "You want grandma to die!", I get f*cking irate.

Anyway, working remotely and being on lockdown has saved me a grip of time that I'd usually take traveling to and from work and doing various other things throughout the day. I have a lot of time to write. I've also started making synthwave music. Because why the hell not? Use this time to do some shit you wouldn't have had time to do otherwise. Read something you've been meaning to read. Learn something. Make something. You probably won't get a chance like this again. For me, that's the silver lining to this whole thing. Everything else about it sucks.
Don't forget to invest in the stock market if you're not already an active trader. This is one of those once in a lifetime opportunities to make some really easy decisions that are like 95% likely to lead towards profit.
Guess black Chicagoans are getting lit up by the Corona. Twitter people think this will get the attention rather than that decades of disproportionate gang violence :lol: