


Why isn´t Borknagar wearing any corpsepaint like all the other Norweigan Black Metal Bands??
because they don't really play blackmetal? or, maybe because they don't care about how they're looking, but what they're playing?
Originally posted by _A_SCARLET_SUNSET_
because they don't really play blackmetal? or, maybe because they don't care about how they're looking, but what they're playing?
Funny your avatar is a pic of Emperor in corpsepaint then :rolleyes:
Borknagar are NOT Black metal because they came play more than 6 notes per riff and each song consists of more than 4 riffs, Not saying at all black metal bands come under the caption but most of the dull ones do
#1-They don't play BM
#2-corpsepaint doesn't fit their image anyway
#3-they can still rule the metal world without corpsepaint so why use it? :D
Originally posted by yourdeadgroom
I've noticed that many of the guys have beards and suchlike, I'd imagine it's a pain washing makeup out of your beard. I'm sure that, otherwise, they'd be into it..... ;) :p

Mortiis does ok and so do Immortal :p Maybe it's because make-up products are so expensive nowadays :err: ;)
Originally posted by FailingAcension
#1-They don't play BM
#2-corpsepaint doesn't fit their image anyway
#3-they can still rule the metal world without corpsepaint so why use it? :D

Eeeeh......Borknagar play BM, maybe not in its purest form, but anyway....
Once used corpsepaint for fun - and trust me, it's a real pain in the ass to get out of hair and beard especially! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Took me more than an hour to wash the white out properly.. was close to trying Terpentine, actually :D
Don't use asatone!! (or however you spell it) Once liquid fiberglass spilled on me (but mostly on another guy:D ) and we had to use asatone to get it off....THAT STUFF BURNS LIKE HELL!!!!! I was about to cry!!! And It doesn't easily wash off with water. Ohhh....stay away from that stuff.....
Originally posted by asgeir
:lol: :lol: :lol:
It's true that many bands try to look evil and "bad" wearing corpsepaint but insted they look like clowns! eheh
But I think it was cool when first-generation B/M bands used it..... but it's meaningless to do so now.....

Now about Borknagar...... I agree with FailingAcension.... this never fit with their image anyway......
There are quite many bands black metal or with many B/M influences that corpsepaint never could fit in them..... like Enslaved, old Ulver, old In the Woods...
@asgeir: Great sig :p Sonata Arctica really are on a "level" of their own when it comes to lyrics :lol:

"My eyes might have betrayed me, but I have seen
Your picture on the cover of a filthy magazine
And I think my heart just cannot handle that
Dana, my darling, would be so bad."
Originally posted by svältvinter
Why isn´t Borknagar wearing any corpsepaint like all the other Norweigan Black Metal Bands??

this huy really don't like Borkies... :mad:
Originally posted by Ormir
Funny your avatar is a pic of Emperor in corpsepaint then :rolleyes:
eeeh... nevertheless... the music counts, not the outfit... i've chosen this pic for my avatar, because i'm a huge emperor fan and the pic beeing not too big...