correcting my english :)

ehm well if anyone would feel like it :rolleyes: you will be rewarded :)

It takes a while to write down why I want to go back to Finland. Why would I want to go back to a country where it’s too cold to build a snowman in spite of the heaps of snow they get there every year? Or where, when it’s not that cold, mosquitoes are fighting to bite every inch of your skin? And what about the savage animals there, and that weird language the people speak and… ah. The answer is simple. Something Finnish must have bitten me. And my interest for Finland has never ceased since that day.

I’m not exactly sure when that day was. Since I was a kid, there’s been a particular interest for the northern countries. My father told me the fairy tale of the snow queen – an evil witch living in Lapland- over and over again. And I’ve been reading many children books of Swedish and Norwegian writers. Even the Moomi family had a spot on my shelves when I was about ten.

Years went by. I turned 18 and decided to study Germanic languages at university. My love for books and writing mainly pushed me to choose Dutch as a subject, and as I had to choose an extra language, Swedish was an obvious choice for me. Around that period of time , the internet was installed at home, and I thought it to be nice to find a correspondent in Sweden to practice my language with and to learn about the country from a native point of view. However, instead of a Swede, I got to know a Finnish boy. And that’s how I really got to know Finland.

My first visit was at the end of summer 2000. First night I got drunk, was lost in the woods, experienced total silence, let the pet pig of my host escape, ate fresh berries, wild mushrooms and I chopped wood to make the sauna fire burn. For a Finnish reader this probably sounds like any ordinary day (besides letting a pet pig escape I suppose) but for me, it was more than a revelation.

In two weeks time, I not only learn a lot about Finland, but about Belgium as well. In general, I learned to take my time for things. There’s less stress in Finland than in Belgium. In conversations I had with Belgium people in Finland, I noticed this was one of the things they loved most as well. I returned to Belgium with a love for Finland and for the Finnish boy as well. After September, I’ve visited the country four more times. Last time I’ve been there was January 2003.

Back in Belgium I left the theoretical studies behind me and went for a practical approach of language: journalism. My new found interest for Finland influenced me often when I had to pick a subject for an article, and this is why I’ve been writing about the Green party of Finland and wrote my final paper about the Sami. You can read some of these articles in the attachment(s?)

Time went by, and my relationship with the Finnish boy didn’t last. However, my particular interest in Finland has not gone, far from even. The main reason why I want to return to Finland is because even though I learned to know its daily life, its people and investigated more abstract things like politics and indigenous people, I still haven’t learned enough.

My interests are endlessly wide, which is my biggest difficulty in picking subjects for articles. So there isn’t one specific topic in my mind I absolutely want to cover whilst being in Finland. Nevertheless I hope to be able to discover nice music again, books and movies and most importantly: to talk with as many people as possible. Because besides using your eyes, that’s the way you discover a country most.

good i didn't post this pic before then
and one thing, i know that stuff is too personal for some people to read on a forum, apologies for that, but it's going into mail tomorrow morning and it's handy to have had it corrected in five minutes. besides i thought there were many more mistakes in it then our bambi pointed out. father, if you want to remove it, please do.
siderea said:
good i didn't post this pic before then
and one thing, i know that stuff is too personal for some people to read on a forum, apologies for that, but it's going into mail tomorrow morning and it's handy to have had it corrected in five minutes. besides i thought there were many more mistakes in it then our bambi pointed out. father, if you want to remove it, please do.

You have my blessing to leave it up. Just be aware that some people will save it, and learn it off by heart :ill:
"Something Finnish must have bitten me. And my interest for Finland has never ceased since that day. "

There's another And startin a sentence somewhere, dont be doin that.
hehe yeah that's true, in dutch you shouldn't either.

i sent it on wednesday and got a phonecall on thursday morning and went for an interview then. i think i'm overqualified because i've already been too often in finland etc. we'll see. they'll tell me in april.