Cost of tickets at the door?

hows their new location...How far would u estimate it is from the PEarl ROom..I am looking forward on going there..I bets be getting me some directions

it will be an hour plus....also make sure there is no Sox or Cubs game going on...that will add extra traffic. It is actually pretty easy to get there from the express way and parking os not a problem as it once was.

the new store is alot larger. plus they are getting in tons of new stuff this week.
Cubs VS the Cardinals that weekend. It will be insane around there.
The new location is nice.
The CDs are still just as disorganized, but overall there is more room in the store.
Dare we ask how overall advance ticket sales are doing?


Honestly, we have no idea...part of it is that we don't want to know ;) & the other part is that we're so busy with all the other shit, that we never really even think of checking.

Personally, I'd rather wait to either be pleasantly surprised...or if the turnout is a disappointment, I'd rather not get discouraged while still working our balls off to make this the best possible success it can be.

My prediction...based on feedback outside this forum...Friday night will be on par with last year's Saturday night, and quite possibly even better. However, Saturday night will be off-da-hook. ;) Seeing people's faces light up like kids at Christmas morning when they heard us mentioning Atheist & Martyr together while passing out flyers has really given us hope...not to mention how many people already knew about it & had plans of going. ;)
$25 per night at the door

Holy shit... I expected it to be cheaper than TicketRapist. Guess I'll be ordering mine will call through them.

overall there is more room in the store.

This is exactly the problem they needed to address. Last time I was there, I didn't even get to SEE half of the cds, because there were so many people wedged in there.
Holy shit... I expected it to be cheaper than TicketRapist. Guess I'll be ordering mine will call through them.

They ARE cheaper than TM...$29.30 for one night via TM after all
is said and done. Like I said, the two day savings is strictly an
advanced purchase perk....if people wanna wait until day of, that's
fine but it also makes us sweat like hell because we have NO indication
of what's going on and affects things behind the scenes...thus, if you
wanna wait, you gotsta pay. :)
They ARE cheaper than TM...$29.30 for one night via TM after all
is said and done. Like I said, the two day savings is strictly an
advanced purchase perk....if people wanna wait until day of, that's
fine but it also makes us sweat like hell because we have NO indication
of what's going on and affects things behind the scenes...thus, if you
wanna wait, you gotsta pay. :)