could a too much clean boosted amp damage a cab


guitarus rex
Jan 24, 2006
Switzerland valley of the wolves
I'm using the clean boost technique on my mesa rectifier
and even if my cab is a cheap randall one that i'm going
to change for a mesa cab.
My cab sounds whorse every week so i was wondering if
an amplifier clean boosted could put too much power in the
cab and actually damage it or is the output section limited.

i'm thinking of this before pluging in my mesa cab because
i use an eq to clean boost and the graph is on +12dB so if
anyone knows anything please tell me.
djairouks said:
I'm using the clean boost technique on my mesa rectifier
and even if my cab is a cheap randall one that i'm going
to change for a mesa cab.
My cab sounds whorse every week so i was wondering if
an amplifier clean boosted could put too much power in the
cab and actually damage it or is the output section limited.

i'm thinking of this before pluging in my mesa cab because
i use an eq to clean boost and the graph is on +12dB so if
anyone knows anything please tell me.
clean boost meaning a front end pedal like a tubescreamer etc?

you're probably not going to damage your speakers by boosting your input. about the only way you're doing damage to your speakers is if you're running too much wattage through them, or too much low end. if you're boosting your low frequencies too much it's possible that your speakers are moving so far to reproduce that sound that they are tearing themselves apart. this is pretty unlikely if your cab is closed back though. just don't run a bass guitar through that thing ;) hehe
It could be your tubes are going. That'll crapify your sound for sure. It could be your settings as well, especially if you're running a lot of bass from the Recto and boosting the lows with the EQ. That'll get muddy real quick.
well the tubes are fine because they are not old at all and sound still great on clean i'm sure it's only the randall cab that's a piece of shit and the bass under 85 Hz are cut not to take away the playing of my budy bassist
but thanks i'm gona plug the mesa cab i'm sure it'll scream i'll post some sample when i'll have the time
Entirely possible that you have a crap cab then. If your settings on the Recto aren't unreasonable (hell, you're actually low-cutting with the EQ to make room for the bass live!) and your tubes are alright...

Question- did you get the cab new or used?
Exocaster said:
Entirely possible that you have a crap cab then. If your settings on the Recto aren't unreasonable (hell, you're actually low-cutting with the EQ to make room for the bass live!) and your tubes are alright...

Question- did you get the cab new or used?
from the sounds of it you're not doing anything wrong. and your new mesa cab should handle the rectifier output just fine, as long as it's not loaded with greenbacks or something ;)