Could anyone upload some non-edited drum tracks?

Damian B

Nov 8, 2007
With all of these BD and Reaper tutorials floating around it would be cool if someone uploaded some non-edited drum tracks for practicing.

I would do it, but I won't be able to record anything with the profire for a few weeks, due to being in a dorm :erk:

Anyone else think this is a good idea?

Thanks :kickass: AudioSnap.mp3

That took maybe 7 minutes in Sonar using AudioSnap's auto-quantize, then fixing up its mistakes. I'm going to try and do a manual method and see if thats faster.

For comparison, how long did that same clip with slip-editing, Adam?

Tried a manual method with Sonar and its fucking painful. Took me 10 minutes to get 3/4 the way through and by then I already wanted to kill myself, so I stopped. I'd MUCH rather let AudioSnap/Beat Detective get it 90% right and then fix it up.
Took me like 15 minutes using slip, BD would have got that clip finished in pretty much one swipe but thats because the drum track is already tight as fuck and is pretty simple... Like I said before the automatic methods work fine for simpler things and stuff where the tempo is lower or the drummer is already tight (as long as he is closer to the right note than the wrong note then it will be fine) but when you get up to constant 16th note at over 200bpm, even if the drummer is tight there is such a small window between 16th notes so it makes it so easy for the automatic process to snap the hits to the wrong beat.... Generally I just prefer manually doing everything if there's an efficient way to do it, crossing my fingers and hoping for the best has never sat well with me for automatic processes.