Could be Interesting- Queensryche with Todd La Torre

Better yet, kick Geoff out and get this guy to take over.

I've been lucky enough to have the chance to meet a lot of members of many of my favorite bands over the years, and Geoff Tate is the only one who was kind of a dick.

I would like that, but I don't know if that's possible. Does Geoff own the Queensryche name? I have this feeling he does, but I could be wrong.
I have a better idea. How about CRIMSON GLORY write a new record worth a shit with Todd singing on it. dude is amazing, but let's get a Crimson Glory record done first. They still need to redeem themselves after that whole "Astronomica" debacle. This coming from a fan who LOVES "Strange & Beautiful" :)

I used to be hard pressed to find a song on one of their albums I didn't like... not I can't find one that I actually do like. They lost me after Empire.

One time a friend of mine and I went to a mall eons ago and he picked up the new Queensryche (at the time) and I can't recall which one it was. He chucked it out the window 1/2 way home. He was one of the biggest Ryche fans I knew.
Also, let's be fair. Geoff cannot sing like the old days and to expect him to be able to do so is silly. Honestly, listening to these clips he is nowhere near as good as Mr. Tate in his glory days and i think we forget what an amazing vocalist he was in his hey-day and that is not easily replaced.

I personally would have called the band Surgical Strike or Neue Regal, but that is just me and i am obviously better at naming bands than they are. ;)

EDIT: Mr. Torre is NOWHERE CLOSE to even being as good as classic Geoff Tate on those two video (clips or whatever). Sure he can hit high notes but he has no technique like Geoff for the middle and lower ranges. I would rather sit at home and spin The Warning on vinyl that go watch this band. This only further proves why those first 5 Queensryche records remain untouchable.

Of course not, the dude is 53 after all. But Todd LaTorre isn't 21 anymore, either. He's pretty close to Tate's age and he wipes his ass with Tate on those recordings. May not be as good as the original, but it's not really fair to expect that of him, either.

Surgical Strike would have been waaaaaay cooler of a name.

Either way, Tate is a toolbag, and I'd much rather see this band than Ryche as they are now.
Damn, I didn't know that singer Todd La Torre. Looks like he can sing any style easily, ultra-high like Tate, or more mid-range like Jeff Scott Soto. Check out his version of I Am A Viking:

Actually, it's not the worst thing i have heard but it was the fake drums that killed it for me. such awful programming. :(

That album is just terrible. I remember being so thrilled to hear of it then when I heard no Midnight it was like a knife stabbing. But still there was the band. Then I hear it and there is fake drums, a poor Midnight clone (which Drenning said he wasn't out for), and rehashed 'Transcendence' riffs as if they were trying to recreate that album. To top it off 'The otheside of Midnight' WTF. No that album SUCKS! I bought it simply because the German import had a live disc with Midnight.
I still have press articles with Drenning from when that CD came out and he comes off as douche as in the interviews from the 80s. The ones around the 'Strange and Beautiful' period are the funniest.
The smearing of the Crimson Glory name did not stop with that last album though it seemed to continue over to that farce of a tribute, rumors of boxsets and albums, and so on. You know sometimes things just need to die and be left alone.
As for the new singer well he is good but so far I see nothing but another Wade Black and I say that only because this guy is showing us nothing but karaoke; seriously cover bands and wedding singers...
As for fake drums...Transcedence was entirely fake drums programmed by Jim Morris at the
great Morrisound studios. Jim and I have had several discussions about that recording and the incredible
task he had to perform creating those drum tracks with the technology available at that time.
After listening to the cuts I'm kinda hoping they do something more with the lineup. Would be exciting to have Queensryche AKA Rising West sounding like the early stuff again. Not completely like the early stuff, but more metal than the last disc, Dedicated to Chaos. I was so under impressed I was embarrassed to be a fan. Played the early stuff for my wife and then a song from Dedicated to Chaos and she was like, bleh too. A few years ago when they did the Operation: Mindcrime I & II tour she got me tickets for my birthday. She wasn't into them much until that show. Loved the show and thought it was a great show as did I, but Dedicated to Chaos is more like Dedicated to Crap. Now of course I was a fan since their first release in 83 so to hear them go from that to what they put out the last album saddens me. The music is fine for what it is, but it shouldn't be a Queensryche CD that's all I'm saying. If they want to reinvent themselves change the name to something like Air Supply or We're too old for metal. I want variety in music, but don't kill it completely I mean Haken does a wonderful job of have both heavy and soft parts in their songs without losing themselves. Music these days shouldn't be limited when creating the music. Let the music take you on that journey, don't think that because you're Opeth do you have to have growls, no you don't and they've proven it. I know I'm going to hear it now from everyone that prefers it, but I love the diversity of Opeth having one album heavy with death vocals and the next something completely different. Could anyone else have pulled of the cover of "Would?" by Alice In Chains? This is what made me a Queensryche fan back in the day. Sadly Queensryche days maybe numbered, but I welcome Rising West to the headbangers ball.

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As for fake drums...Transcedence was entirely fake drums programmed by Jim Morris at the
great Morrisound studios. Jim and I have had several discussions about that recording and the incredible
task he had to perform creating those drum tracks with the technology available at that time.

I honestly thought they were those electronic drums that everyone from Ratt and on were using at the time. Didn't know they were programmed. But i guess the difference is that Transcendence sounded like current engineering, where as Astronomica, coming off S&B just sounded terrible. Like an early Balance Of Power disc, no offense to Lance, but BoP drums were so awfully programmed too and what only puts Ten Tales... in my top 20 melodic rock albums of all time are his melodies. i tolerate the fake drums. Midnight's vocals on Astronomica not in same league. CG and Transcendence however....godlike.